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Faida doesn't get it. But I don't think Mosi and Bibi get it, either. Not yet anyway.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Is this after Bibi survived being attacked by Big Bes or before?

Maxwell Fury

All of this could be solved by simply communicating. Mosi wouldn't have a reason to build hatred on Mondo and wait months to see Africa.

Silver Huskey

I'm glad Faida is helping out Mosi to a degree. It would be nice if Mosi actually *took* that advice and just talked to Africa. She'd be overjoyed to see him, and she'd also hunt for him. I'm just curious about what questions Mosi could possibly have. What happened with Sabra is not Mondo's fault, and I feel like Mosi is building animosity toward him for no good reason.


I believe it's almost certainly after! Mainly because Mosi's wounds look mostly healed here, but in turn he's skinny (unlike before the lion ambush, in which the drought hasn't fully set in so he was still a lil chonky). :)


I'm guessing this was Faida actually finding Mosi while looking for him only for him to tell her this? Also what kind of answers is he talking about that he couldn't get just from talking to his mother? I don't understand Mosi right now.

The Fluffy Birdcat

Mosi is being emo right now. That's why I had the "Emosi" thing done for the monthly sketch. He's looking for reasons to be angsty.

Stephanie Titarenko

Faida says everything I would say in that third panel, only she doesn't follow it up like I would. "It's not that simple." WHY?! --Why-- isn't it that simple? Make it simple for me, Mosi, because I'm not understanding what questions you could possibly have that couldn't be answered by your mother or Faida. Mosi is really frustrating me right now. It feels, like others have said, like he is just looking for an excuse to wallow in his own misery, anger, and resentment. He says he wants answers, so another character says "Ok! I can take you to your mother who will give you answers. I can even give you some myself. Ask away!" and he is all "On second thought, naaaah. I'mma go off and sulk by myself even though I'm starving and weak and injured." This kid is the definition of STUBBORN. He clearly needs help, but every time anyone tries to help him he just withdraws and refuses to talk about the most important things. I didn't expect him to come out of the lion confrontation unscathed, but his behavior ever since the attack has been self-destructive, and it's a miracle he's lasted as long as he has ( a fact which I attribute mainly to Bibi, bless her soul ). Not only is Mosi frustrating me, he is also confusing me. Like he wants to confront his mother, but only after he has found whatever he is looking for or done whatever he hopes to do ( hope it is not killing Mondo, but it's certainly looking like that might be the case ). He also said something about wanting to be a leopard his mom could be proud of several pages back. I'm as puzzled as Faida and many other readers in the comment section here as to what is going on in his head right now. He isn't making a lot of sense. If I were Faida I would have went straight to Africa and told her every word of this conversation. He is a CHILD who is WOUNDED and IN TROUBLE, his very LIFE is in jeopardy. This is hardly the time to honor secrets. It would be a little more understandable if he were an adult, but even then I wouldn't keep the secret in this case. Africa is suffering a lot inside wondering what became of him, hoping against hope he is alright....for Faida to know Mosi is alive and not tell her is pretty low of her, in my opinion. I'm sure she means well, but she clearly has doubts about whether she is doing the right thing by prefacing this whole conversation with "To be clear I don't agree with this." Still very much enjoying the story! I really hope everything works out for the best for Mosi, Bibi, and everyone who isn't Chui or a lion, really. XD


You know, had some reservations before. But now, I'm confident: I don't like Faida.

The Fluffy Birdcat

She means well but she's honestly not good at this sort of thing. She's gonna end up creating Chui 2.0.