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Elephant said YEET.

And we get to the key moment of them all. Like a famous henchman once said, "Oh, yeah. It's all coming together."

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Poor Bibi. Gets rescued but yeeted like a skipping stone. She suffers from comedy relief syndrome. At least it comes with comedy relief plot armor.


I love that everyone gets to see this happen from their own perspective. Faida butted in, Safari did too and now Bibi is involved. I don't think Mosi stumbled into this because we see him later (but who knows really) yet it's interesting to see just how many witnessed this as they could have mixed interpretations about it, just like Mosi does from finding Africa with Sabra's kitten later on.


Huh, does this mean that Bibi was the one to get the hyenas? That'd be a twist if she was, we all just assumed the hyenas came across Africa and the lions on their own, but of course it was convenient that they arrived at the exact moment they did. Now we can just keep hoping Bibi is safe somewhere and nothing happened to her. Might I ask a question by the way? Did another night pass after the fight with the lions i.e. Africa waking up at the hyena den and adopting Mondo was the next day? Or was it the evening of the same day? I'm left wondering if Mosi had to survive yet another night or him finding his mother happened on this day 🤔

Maddie I

I wonder if Mosi, in a fit of blind rage, is on his way to kill Mondo due to the "you won't know what hit you" but can't find him, and then in horror realizes his mother is taking care of him later on when he finds her