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Hello everyone! :D Welcome to the new Sketchdump for December! Here we go with this month's sketch collection! :D

Shoutout to Shadow Hyder, who combined two months worth of sketches to ask for Binti as an Azara getting her revenge on Bes xD Now our big boi gets to take on someone his own size... or bigger xD

Shoutout to Tiger Bazooka, who asked for a sketch of sweet ol' Safari, who is jolly as ever during the Christmas season! Look at that lovely chap go, aww! :D

Shoutout to Ghostly Grizzly, who asked for a sketch of Mondo in a Christmas stocking! Our cute lil boi would make for an adorable gift wouldn't he! haha! :) 

Shoutout to BunBun, who combined two months worth of sketches for a sketch of Led and C.Y. building a snowman :D Eeee I miss drawing these two so much! They would surely enjoy the Christmas season, and play together with the rest of the Chakra gang ^-^

Shoutout to Monroe, who asked for a sketch of Mosi and Mondo getting along as brothers awww!! With Africa watching over proudly <3 Omg my heart is melting, this is so delightful and adorable hhh!

Shoutout to Koco, who asked for a sketch of the unbeatable Onion lord, master of all destinies! You'd better not make him angry or you will regret it! Look how menacing he is xD

Shoutout to Pantera, who asked for a sketch of Binti playing in the snow! Awww look she is making an angel in the snow <3 <3 <3 Or... a butterfly. Ok that got me teary eyed ;;

Shoutout to Dawn, who asked for a sketch of adult Binti having survived Bes's attack! Our fierge gal may have had some health problems and been naive in her youth, but she would have no doubt turned into one badass leopard had she survived! :D

Shoutout to Raptorzs,  who asked for a sketch of Paa the red nosed gazelle xD Who doesn't look too pleased about leading Santa's sleigh lol! But that sure would be one fast sleigh xD

Shoutout to BearFlipsTable, who asked for a sketch of Maji, Africa's mate, demonstrating his unusual hunting technique! He's a rare leopard who actually likes water, and he would no doubt use it to his advantage to hunt :)

Shoutout to Silver Huskey, who asked for a sketch of Hielo donning a Santa hat! I guess we found out who's gonna be sitting on Paa's sleigh huh? xD Look at this jolly chap spreading good Christmas vibes!

And with that, I also want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, and want to thank you all so much once again for your phenomenal support!! I'm flattered beyond measure by what you do for me, every day of every month! Here's to a new, better year of happiness, and a year of even more content for you to enjoy! :)

I loved working on these so much! So many feels in this month's batch! I am so hyped for the January poll, I can't wait to see who wins!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Teliko,  Cpat, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)




Binti got some battle scars.