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Eyyyy another long overdue from November!

This headshot drawing was requested by Wolfen Blazer, who asked for a portrait of the potential offspring of his two characters, Peterson the wolf and Sandra the hyena, whom I drew here:

Peterson: https://www.patreon.com/posts/peterson-is-here-4325044

Sandra: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sandra-6655504

Of course, hyenas and wolves can't have offspring biologically, but ah screw it thgis is a fantasy universe so who knows :D

I imagined this pup to share Peterson's darker fur colour, golden eyes and signature blue eye marking, and Sandra's spots and hyena-like ears :D

Isn't he adorable?

I really hope you like it!




werekin have just that little bit of human genetics that make it possible ^_^ t