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Yay for this overdue ACEO card from last month!

I'm sorry it took me so long to post it, I'm sure you're tired of hearing how horribly busy November was for me XD

Anyway, this was requested by Arild, who asked for good ol' Africa!

I had a lot of ideas for this ACEO, most of which were kind of somber/bleak/sad. For once, I wanted to give Africa some rest after all of her misadventures. So I actually drew her resting XD In the shade of an acacia, which leopards are able to sleep on in the most absurd positions :P


Character and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili



Melissa Andersen

Only a cat could make a rest in a thorn covered acacia tree look comfortable!

Furia and Mimma

Un gattone puccioloso <3 Sei stata bravissima a catturare espressione e posizione in uno spazio così limitato!


Ahhh grazie mille! Esatto, in fondo anche Africa è una gattona! Proprio come i nostri mici di casa che dormono nelle posizioni più assurde XD