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Bibi made a clever deduction. But what does this entail for Mosi now? D: What did he see??

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




'The World does not revolve around you' Hmm... I dare to disagree. It ain't dogs that rule the Internet.




oh ho ho!!! I see!! Well, if the humans helped Mosi, they're good in my book :)


Ooh was it humans who helped him after all? Also Bibi looks beautiful in that first panel.

Silver Huskey

I had originally thought Mosi would be taken, like Chui was. Perhaps (if these are humans) they stopped the bleeding, cleaned the wounds, and just released Mosi back into the wild?


well I was half right


I love Bibi's brainstorm here. That face is just priceless


If it's humans, that makes me wonder how Bibi convinced Mintzi to get them to look for an injured cub. Mintzi didn't seem that concerned with other animals' wellbeing so what did she tell him? "I'll give you the juciest bones of my next meals"? Or maybe Mintzi does have a soft spot to him after all? Guess we'll see.

Sorren R.

Oh god; that means Mosi would be a Taken…one step closer to being a Chui.


I don't know. It's weird to release a cub this young on it's own back into the wild, that soon after getting injured like this. One would think he would be raised and then released when grown up more. Maybe Mosi isn't captured because he manages to flee from the humans, feeling threatened?


I wonder what is the timeline here, because Mosi could be seen at the last page of the previous chapter, observing Africa. If humans took him in, they wouldn't release him back into the wild after a couple of days (he is too young to survive on his own—maybe he will be taken but he will escape somehow?).


Oh yeah. Forgot what a "pack" can mean on the other side of the animal kingdom.

Silver Huskey

I'm thinking escape too, as he got free somehow, but his wounds were looking a lot better.

Silver Huskey

True. I should have probably mentioned escape as a possibility, given that he almost returns to Africa. He could have run as well, but I'm thinking someone had to at least treat those nasty wounds.