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Cut to a few hours after the last page! Do you remember the scene with the dog, and that infamous POV from among the bushes? :D I was really surprised by the amount of theorizing that came from that panel! And we now get our reveal!

There was indeed a character in the bushes, and that character was Bibi all along :D She's been following Africa for a while...

ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT to PREORDER the PRINTED VERSION of Chapter Four! Hurry before it closes!

Please head over to this post for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/africa-chapter-68468754

REMEMBER!! Everyone who is currently a Patron during the preorder will have their name featured in the printed comic!

As always, thank you SO so much for your fantastic support, this comic would not be possible without all of you! <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Collar. Chui. Collar. Dog. Chui. Collar dog collar chui. LIGHTBULB!


Lol, I love Bibi's face in the sixth panel.


ohhhh, what's Bibi thinkin' about there 👀


Huh. Not so bad after all. Ooh, somebody's schemer is ticking.

Melody Williamson

"Just following orders" dog says as he lets kids die lol


Either bibi is getting ptsd seeing the collar, making some kind of connection, or just REALLY thinking about taking him out by the neck.

The Fluffy Birdcat

Bibi needs to adopt the bean. Maybe if he has a companion he won't become Chui 2.0.