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Why hello there, and welcome back to Ask My Characters!

This month's question was asked by kind Patron Michelle, as well as TheSheInShenanigans! Their question this month was for Faida, who is for sure a very unconventional hyena.

Our gal definitely behaves differently from most predatory animals, and this can make her feel a little lonely at times.

You're welcome to still ask questions if you'd like, my characters are always available to answer! https://www.patreon.com/posts/ask-my-january-60823729



Michelle Koenders

Wow, thank you for featuring this question! Now I'm wondering how she started this way, but I think that's a spoiler question. :p


I'm glad she behaves differently from moist other predators. She sounds like a dry kind of predator. *There's a small typo and it made me laugh lol. Great work as always Arven! ❤️


OH SNAP lol good catch xDDD She definitely ensures to seal all her packages to keep all the food fresh!