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The new reunion brought back memories...

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




My heart 💔


Uh oh, is it lions?




I’m guessing that this is where Chui is adopted? Or maybe this is when he betrays her…


I just remembered, there's something I noticed a while ago and meant to ask about but kept forgetting. In the page a while back when Mosi and Binti are in the tree as something wakes Binti up and she goes out, and Mosi wakes up to see her leaving (i.e. the last time we saw Binti alive), I noticed that in the next page, Mosi's pupils becomes big. However, if he were to see something that scared him, like a lion, the pupils should have shrunk. The fact they went big indicates he saw something that intrigued him or someone he liked... does that mean he saw Sabra first? It makes me think that Sabra is the one Binti heard, she went out to look, Mosi wakes up and sees Sabra appearing in front of them which is why his pupils dilate i.e. she's someone he thinks is a friend and is just generally curios why she's there. But Sabra is there to check if he and his sister are really there before letting the lions at them. Sorry, this is random and completely unrelated to this page, but it's been on my mind why Mosi's pupils would dilate in that panel when the next we learn is that the lions came to attack them, his pupils should have shrunk in fear instead if a lion is what he saw. I also remember wondering why there are claw marks on the ground looking like some sort of fight went on outside the tree (I'm guessing the lions were lunging/grabbing for Mosi as he escaped?) It definitely seems like there will be a flashback to this part to explain just how Mosi got away, but of course you can't reveal that, just wondering out loud, haha. You possibly can't answer about Mosi's pupils either and that's fine, again, it's just been on my mind and finally remembered to point it out. In CASE it was a deliberate detail, I just wanted to let you know I noticed it XD If it wasn't and you didn't really have a reason to draw his pupils a little bigger there then never mind anything I just said, lol XD

Telo-vi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-30 19:49:13 Poor Faida ... After everything she's done for Chui, just because she'd rather hunt without his cheat collar, she faces such a loss ... And to think she's still so wise and compassionnate ... She truly is the best mama ever <3 I love her so much. I hope she will find some kind of happiness in the future
2022-01-15 00:53:05 Poor Faida ... After everything she's done for Chui, just because she'd rather hunt without his cheat collar, she faces such a loss ... And to think she's still so wise and compassionnate ... She truly is the best mama ever <3 I love her so much. I hope she will find some kind of happiness in the future

Poor Faida ... After everything she's done for Chui, just because she'd rather hunt without his cheat collar, she faces such a loss ... And to think she's still so wise and compassionnate ... She truly is the best mama ever <3 I love her so much. I hope she will find some kind of happiness in the future