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Hey everyone, Arven here!

First of all, thank you SO much for your donations! Thanks to your contribution, we have reached our first goal, $100!

I still can't believe it, and my heart starts racing as soon as I visit my Patreon page! It really is an absolutely amazing achievement, and I don't think I will ever be able to thank you enough! <3

A special welcome to anyone who joined in recently! Arild, Megan and PaintedCheetah, welcome to the family! :D And thank you once more for your support <3

And now, you all know what's coming! We have reached our $100 goal, together! This wasn't "me", this was "us". It's something that absolutely blows my mind! You guys deserve all the love in the world! And I want to join in, and bring you my small contribution!

As promised, I'm going to make a three-page short comic, and I will pick the theme and characters from one of your suggestions!

So, feel free to suggest here in this comment section! Regardless of how much you pledge, everyone gets an equal chance :D

And in case they are needed, here is a recap of the rules!

The "DO"s

-You're free to choose one to three among ANY of my current characters, from ANY of my three current projects. It doesn't have to be from just one story at a time! You're very welcome to suggest a mashup if you want!

-As stated before, the theme can be absolutely anything! Backstory, funny encounter, transposition from text to comic, or anything else coming to your mind!

-While three pages are enough to create an interesting and funny story, they're always just three pages! Upon requesting, please try to be specific on the situation you'd like to see depicted, so I can do my best to stuff it into such a tiny space! :D

-The comic will be in my current style! This here is just a promo, but the actual mini comic pages will be just as detailed as any of the pages from Chakra and Africa, and will include fully detailed backgrounds!

-It does not matter how much you pledge on Patreon! Feel free to be as generous as you want! I appreciate all the support! <3 The crucial thing is that you are currently my Patron when the milestone is reached in order to be able to suggest.

-You can suggest as many situations as you want, but in the end, I will only select one, from a single Patron.

-I will pick the suggestion which I find most original/unique/interesting to depict. Be creative with your ideas! :D

-If you don't get picked, don't fret! Your suggestion will still be kept into consideration for the next round hundred! And if you feel particularly generous, you can keep supporting until that milestone is reached, and suggest once again! 

The "DON'T"s

-While I do accept pretty much any theme for the mini comics, there are a few things I won't draw regardless of the suggestion: these include explicit sexual scenes or pornography (romance/mild naughty jokes are fine), extreme violence/gore (mild violence/blood is fine), extreme political movements, sadism, fetishism, racism, or insult to any existing minorities or religions. Please let's keep this project PG! :)

- When requesting a backstory, I will consider whether or not it would be too spoiler-y to illustrate! ;) Some characters' pasts may actually be depicted in more detail in the canon stories! So, request at your own risk :D

-Please only pick characters from my comics/stories! No other characters are allowed. I know, it would be absolutely awesome to have a comic in which my characters meet yours, but I feel it would be slightly unfair if only a single Patron's character was to appear in the mini comic, while the others' weren't. 

This is really it! Feel free to suggest away! :D

And once again, a million thank yous, from the bottom of my heart <3



I would LOVE a funny romantic backstory of Iza and Urbeth. As I recall in the book Iza took a long time to accept Urbeth as a mate and I remembered our conversation about the mating poses and how males can be rejected. I imagine that Urbeth may come on too strong at first and be completely shut down by Iza. I think It'd be halerious to see these two have a sort of.... odd romance as they finally come together. ;-; also congrats on the moneyssss <3


Page 1.. Roman jackal and hielo meeting Rowther. and going What THe FUCK and starring at each other gladius and swords drawn. since rowther wheres similar armor too Imperial era Roman legionnaire page 2.. they discuss how they got here and Jackal ponders if the godess luna or roman God Mars are playing a cruel joke. why hielo trying too calm rowther telling em there not Azaria's page 3.. All three of em take on the azaria guards and we get the epic intro too a Melee cafe. ^_^ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkRgWU1FS3U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkRgWU1FS3U</a> second story idea STAR WARS "" Jedi knight Tikeri and rookie republic soldier cheetah vs... SITH knight Ryu.'. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm4JEZudf0c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm4JEZudf0c</a> page 1.. Escaping A space station.. page 2... Cuma saves cheetah blocking ryus death blow and duke it out near the lifepod level. Page 3.. cheetah cheating by firing his rotary blaster cannon at ryu whens his distracted and they make a break for it. ^_^


Oh myy, that is such a sweet idea <3 Iza and Urbeth's beginnings were definitely not the best! XD Thanks a ton for the suggestion! <3


Ohoho my, thanks for the epic suggestions! :D Pff, Rothwer would be SO disoriented by those two! XD And OMG JEDI FIGHT! :D