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$7+ Patrons, which one of my characters would you like to see a sketch of?

Feel free to let me know in the comments below. You can pick anyone from my three stories, and I'll also add your name next to the sketch!



Steel ! Il me semble que ça fait un moment que tu ne l’as plus dessiné celui-là ! Et si possible, j’aimerais que l’un des dessins (ou plus si tu veux) le montre en version Azara, de type Izarath (car j'ai envie de voir un Izarath, et en plus cela devrait lui donner des airs de Nirjeth XD)

Arild Petersen

I would like to see a sketch of Giza. I just love the way you draw her ;)


Ohoho superbe idée! Je vais bien aimer le redessiner! Et en forme Izarath en plus, ahah! ça va etre un joli essai! :D


Ohoho awesome! I miss drawing her <3 I'll be happy to sketch her out! Also, for the dedication, is it okay if I write "For Arild", or do you prefer me to use another name?^^