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Hey folks!

I have quite a lot on my plate at the moment, in terms of content creation, it is awesome!

I won't go into to much detail of what I have in the melting pot, but I will tell you to expect plenty of new content in the coming weeks.

Today however, I have something interesting to share. Below you will see a region map! This region map is for the campaign my group will be starting in on Thursday! The region is known as Arcaedia and is filled with a variety of races and cultures - leave a comment if you have any questions about the setting.

What I love most about this map is it is a collaboration with my players. We sat and had a discussion of what we wanted for our next adventure, this lead to the joint creation of a world filled with gods and mortals alike. We decided on a Mediterranean/middle eastern influence and most importantly an inland sea and plenty of islands!

My favorite race we came up with; was a re-flavor of the Fire Genasi, in our setting they are known as the "Vogkin" and live in and worship a volcano called "Mothercano", they are largely inspired by Polynesian cultures as well as a little bit of Haitian. Oh! and Mothercano protects their island with a mysterious entity called "The Smog of Vog" Fun Fun!

I am also adding in icons and little features like a water level chart. This chart is mainly for me to know if boats and ships can dock near certain land masses. Fun Fun Fun

I will be releasing this map for patrons, Chibbin Knights+ will gain access to a blank map so you can name things and change things to whatever you desire!

The red, orange lines are different road types (I created this map with an idea of layering history. Basically I wanted different stages of the region history to display throughout the maps. This is largely so my players can grasp the aspect of where they are has been risen and fallen countless times. (A big theme of the setting, falling and rising empires)

Hope you like it.

I am always finding ways to give out more maps and goodies!




For some reason, Patreon is resizing my images... I will try and deal with it :P


Fixed it by hosting the image somewhere else and pulling the Image URL. A work around for now at least