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Hey folks,

If you have not heard I have started to plan out a new venture! Printable tiles. I posted this morning on Twitter about the idea and the more I think about it the more I really want to try and do it.

The Project

I will be working to create a basic dungeon tile set with around a few hundred tiles to be put up on DrivethruRPG.

The tiles will be on a 6x6'' scale, this will mean they will all snap together with ease and without any crazy tile shapes.  I will make sure to include lower res images of the tiles for use in VTT's like Roll20.

WIP so far.

So far I have started to create the basic foundations for the pack.

 I started with a very simple wall, I made sure it as easy to repeat and add to, along with trying to make sure it did not look to plain.

I cant see see it was far to simple and it needed to be more.... ornate? Well, at the very least more interesting.

So, I added in some bumps and engravings, along with the early attempts of some wall assets like braziers and drapes to litter over the tiles.

Already, I think this is a good step in the right direction. As I create more tiles I will add in more wall assets to give a greater variation in the tiles.

Next, I wanted to keep the idea of simple textures, so I created a very plain  stone floor. It uses the same techniques I used in Cryptic Corridors and I like the idea of mixing hand drawing and textures to create what I think is a pretty fun style.

After making the basic floor I wanted to add in that texture feel. I started with a very light brush of dirt and rubble, followed by a more embedded but still faint texture of the same dirt and rubble.

So far I think Project Fenris is going well, it is very very early doors and I know it will take me some time to get all the tiles created.

I hope you follow my progress and leave comments and suggestions on what path I should take with this pretty new and exciting project for Chibbin Grove.

PS - Dont worry I will make sure to leave time to work on more free maps and the Roll20 series 




If you likes these type of WIP let me know, I will make more an effort to keep a sort of development diary of how I progress