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W. Bush - Obama - Trump - Biden

Party rocking against the dying of the light.



bruce moment

Missing Matt's indignation and bent toward the historic narrative at this point in history

The Squash

Ya know Matt may be the brains but you're so much more than just the arms and legs Chris. I Really appreciate what you do.

The Squash

I bet I have no idea about 99% of what you do. Anyways, keep it up. (Clap on back)

Brooks Finby

Matt’s political/sociological analysis is always so impressive and incisive


That song @59:25 that uses Hail To the Chief's notes with a different execution kills me every time


This was a great series. I learned a lot. Thank you both for the excellent content.


anyone remembers the Trans Pacific Partnership? that was the asian trade deal that Obungler negociated and Hilldawg was supposed to pass. Thousands upon thousands of pages of byzantine intellectual property extension tacked on top of NAFTA Part Deux: now your job is in Indonesia. Underrated factor why Hilly lost the GE. Trump and Sanders saw it and were like "wtf is this shit?" and the official explanation was "look it's to do geopolitical containment against china". Trump shitcanned it, one of his few good calls

Tyler Sutherland

"Biden was elected president with a sturdy margin"??? He almost lost by a margin even closer than Trump beat Clinton in 2016, what are you even talking about Chris lol


i had the same reaction lol it took them a week to count the swing states


(On modern America) “Lumpen ruling class, lumpen bourgeois, lumpen workers that do not process the world through any other lens other than as a individual consumer within a mediated spectacle of political participation” goddamn boys

Dr Nguyen Van Phuoc

I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting *puts on aviators* for booty