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Reagan - H.W. Bush - Clinton

Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow.




Miss you Matt. Rest up.

Sean Curtis

This episode has been my favourite so far!! It's been really interesting to learn as a non-American, and when Matt presents, something just clicks. Loving the production, you both have put so much into this and it's most appreciated. Get well soon Matt, can't wait to have you back <3

Mark Schneider

2 Cool Bad Actors trivia bits-- 1. Antony Blinken was the young moron campaign adviser who got Dukakis into that tank and helped tank his election run. 2. The best joke about the Clinton Admin, "What was the Clinton admin called?" "Sex between the Bushes."

Christian Kaiser

56 minutes in, “Reagan’s anti-communist alliance in the 80s is the Legion of Doom” all-time needle drop. Holy shit this segment is so good, please clip on the yt channel Chris

The Children of Jack Acid

Here's that video Matt mentioned, from SNL in 1992 (it's not on YouTube): https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/campaign-92-the-race-to-avoid-being-the-guy-who-loses-to-bush/2859836


Dole was kansas senator