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Johnson - Nixon - Ford - Carter

May I offer you some malaise?



will michel

i was wondering why there have been more needle drops in these later episodes and then realized al jolson probably would’ve been a little jarring during the coolidge bits


Can anyone recommend a good Curtis LeMay biography?

Mark Schneider

Rick Perlstein's book "Nixonland: The Rise of a President & the Fracturing of America" is the best coverage of the time period 1965--76 in USA-land. I appreciate Matt's hat tip to another Perlstein title about Reagan in Perlstein's trilogy, in the title of this episode.

Dr Nguyen Van Phuoc

sorry, but it has to be 20th century schizoid man

No Relation to Henry

Who was the fourth president in Dallas the day of the Kennedy assassination besides Kennedy, GHWB, and Nixon?

End 2018-Present Alt Uniform Now

Thank you for “The Victors” drop for Ford #HAIL #GOBLUE #NATIONALCHAMPS All the more appropriate too since he often had it played at state events instead of “Hail to the Chief”. Interestingly Ford played prior to the era where two-platoon football became standard and was also a standout center.

Mark Patsy

After re-listening to the True Anon JFK 101, Deep State 101, JFK 201, and Bush did 9/11 series, I can’t accept Ford acting in good faith pardoning Nixon the way Matt suggests here. He pardoned him to avoid a potential trial that would have been the polar opposite of a limited hangout. This is the same guy who personally changed the location of the exit wound on JFK’s body in the Warren report (vs the coroners report) to match the report’s story of a single shooter which was refuted by the House Select committee in the 70s. Also weren’t Rummy and Cheney on his staff? It all lines up a little too perfectly