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Eisenhower - Kennedy - Johnson

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Did I miss the Cuban Missile Crisis, or did our heroes not discuss it?


We got a military, UK got social democracy. “Weapons, not homes, not shoes, not need, just feed the war cannibal animal”

Scot Forsythe

Tearing up my theatre seat rn listening to Bill Haley

Bryce Keaton

Arkansas mentioned

No Relation to Henry

The obsession that American Catholics (particularly Irish Catholic Democrats) had with the Kennedys is quite a phenomenon. My mom comes from a large Catholic and part Irish family. She was born in 1963, before the assassination, and would’ve been named John if she was a boy. That honor went to my uncle John (middle name Fitzgerald) the following year. My mom also jokes sometimes that she “knew Jackie Kennedy” growing up because there was a Kennedy family in their town who of course named their daughter Jacqueline.