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We offer almost zero insight on the French election, talk about gorilla dicks, Alex Jones family court and visit with an old friend.



Patrick Holt

Les Meks Melanchonaise?

CJ Canton

Chapo on Wednesdays now, sweet.

Henry Cornell

3rd times a charm 4 mr adominan

Denny Check

i witnessed cushbomb's revelation at the meet and greet i am anointed

CJ Canton

I was disappointed Gorka didn't invite Mr Chapo to pop himself on down to the White House.




Adomanian got me like

Jim Mendøza

The Scottish accents are violence

James Grant

I can't find the Matt memes :'(

Doctor Anal

French Carl Diggler could go down as Chapo's nuke the fridge moment.


You have to wonder whether Felix forces this or they are struggling for content. Diggler and the Charlie Hebdo shtick have really met their expiration date.


The best part of this episode is without a doubt when Will stops even pretending to laugh at Felix's horrific comedy


I'm going to tilt back at this again. I think the show was its best when they were just starting out and the summer of 2016. Now it just kind of skates by w/ what feels like minimal editing/production value (not much beyond correcting sound issues). The show has a reasonable following among Vice/Buzzfeed/Daily Beast journalists but you guys don't leverage that. Instead you talk about gorilla dicks and some overdone joke about drawing the Prophet.


Give me more: Matt rants, Adam Curtis interviews, movie/tv show critiques, reading series, and Matt rants. Give me less: Felix saying anything with an accent

Undercover Detective

JA's Chris Matthews is basically Barney Rubble, which rules.

Racc Hudson

Honestly they should just get rid of Felix

Racc Hudson

Replace Felix with James Adomian who's against this????

Danny Perez

Felix is hilarious 90% of the time but anytime he does the french acccent i want to fucking die

John Williams

The 35 hour work week is a myth. I say this from a French office. For starters, lunch does not count, so the 9-5 immediately becomes the 9-6. Then the form of reduction is extra vacation days (I know, boo hoo). This means that a typical work week is 45 hours but that you get pretty good vacation, so it is more of a trade off.


Felix is hilarious but it felt a bit like you guys were reaching a bit this time. I feel like James Adomian would make an amazing addition to the Chapo Gaming series...? Continuing that would be great too, it's a great outlet for all of the recurring in-jokes that seem to be dominating a lot more of the latest episodes.


Why didn't they talk about 'Shattered' more? That seems like a gold mine.

Devon McRainey

The Gorka bit had me dying at work, garnering stares of disgust from my valued colleagues


I think James should be brought on sparingly. The show wouldn't work if it was just silly voices.


No doubt the funniest episode yet! But I agree the French was absolutely painful to listen to


Lol he's the funniest one liner guy on the show!


Yo give Felix a break, you try doing racism and misogyny 24/7 at that level and see if it lands 100% of the time

Erik Weissengruber

There is comic gold in the loopy philosophy of the alt-right. Let's encourage the Chapoids to broaden their points of loopy reference: <a href="http://bit.ly/2ohCuQv" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2ohCuQv</a> <a href="http://bit.ly/2p7S5nY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2p7S5nY</a> and an interview with the brainiacs behind those posts: <a href="https://bitly.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bitly.com/</a>

Grant Oliveira

This show would not work at all if you removed any of the original 3. This is known.

alejandro sosa

Ironically, Sebastian Goku sounds and acts exactly like Vegeta

Bret Short

At first I thought Felix's french accent was hilariously bad but then I realized he sounds exactly like George St. Pierre. I hope he sees this comment since he is a fellow UFC fan




The first 17 minutes ragging on Clinton and the out-of-touch Democrats: <a href="http://gph.is/1OHs7y7" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gph.is/1OHs7y7</a>


Felix is fucking hilarious 😂😂😂😂

Lydia Maria Child

ara Do stop beating that undead horse once it stops moving. But it keeps getting up and shitting all over the place. the zombie clinton dems concede defeat. Both the dead and undead are extremely uninspiring and also very dead. And also still dead. Yeah, still dead. Tomorrow, still dead too. Sunset America

Emmet Penney

i like that alex jones andy kaufmann'd his way into family court.

calvin kilby

<a href="https://youtu.be/8SwuoDtplfU?t=187" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/8SwuoDtplfU?t=187</a>

James O'Queef

James Adomian is a national treasure.


Godamm a lot of Felix hate. I thought his bit was funny af. Yeah his French accent is bad but maybe proper regional dialect isn't why I listen...


Holy shit @ Gorka's theme song.


felix owns (literally the reason i listen) and his french accent is hilarious. would listen to just felix and cum adam having a french accent convo for an hour.


Sorry this was my least favorite episode so far... it just felt so rushed, with no real good discussion of anything, plus the diggler bit was unbearable


This show is at its funniest when the humour comes naturally from riffing on the absurdity of modern politics, not with accents and cheap bits.

Luke F

Adomuan rules

Luke F

*Adomian rules


I'm forced to question whether Virgil knows what Harper's Bazaar is

Justin S

I hope "Chris Matthews" comes back on again in the future.

bald soviet union man

Why does Felix's french accent sound like the bat from Anastasia