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What’s up everybody,

Exciting news: Hell of Presidents, our fan-favorite and critically beloved (well, one blurb in Entertainment Weekly) podcast history of the American presidency is finally coming home to Patreon. Over the next several weeks, we’ll be posting the series in order, starting today with the first two episodes. This series will be available permanently for all Chapo subscribers.

Also, Hell on Earth, Movie Mindsest Season 1 and the Ghoulvie Screamset horror film series are now available to purchase on the Patreon digital shop. Now, all of these are already available to subscribers here, but if you want to actually own the series all wrapped up in one convenient folder, now you can. But REALLY, the hope with the shop is to make these series available to people outside of our beloved subscribers. So if you enjoyed Hell on Earth or either of the Movie Mindset runs, now would be a great time to tell a friend or your Twitter feed, hey, you can pick up just these great series from our digital shop at https://www.patreon.com/chapotraphouse/shop

I know we keep teasing Matt’s Spanish Civil War series too, but since it’s not completely finished, it’s been a bit difficult deciding when & how much of it to roll out. But, we’ve decided on a release day this month for the first ep, and the other two completed eps will follow down the road as we get closer to finishing the series.

I’d love to give you an update on Matt, but there’s really not much more to say than that he’s improving a little every day. I know the support of listeners and fans has meant a lot to him through all of this, so keep up the positive vibes.

Thanks all, and enjoy the slop,




Awesome to hear! The audio on some of the YouTube uploads is problematic because the AI flags the soundtrack, so I’ll finally be able to enjoy the whole series. Your historical titles have sparked an insatiable interest in the subject myself, and have also helped me to understand the world around me better.


We love Matt


Grill pill vibes to Matt!


Hey Chris with hell of presidents now being officially Chapo any chance we can get a hell of presidents merch? Would love to get a hat to go with my hell on Earth hat :^) Also keep grilling for godsake.

Dru Heff

Thank you! Miss Matt a bunch and hope he can recover quickly and get back in the mix. Def going to listen to this whole thing again in the meantime. Matt is 1 of 1. Shoutout to Chris too!


“Wait, am I still subscribed to stitcher?! Fuuu…” Jk could you imagine


So nice to hear Matt’s voice again 🥲


Put Christman & Frost and some of the older stuff up on the shop. Matts Twitch streams as just audio would be cool too.


Matt <3