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Adams - Jefferson - Madison - Monroe - Quincy Adams

The first party system comes crashing down on JQA's nerdy shoulders.




Shania Twain, technically Canadian, having the last word on 1812.


My mind was blown when I heard that the one and only Nick Diamonds of The Unicorns does the theme music. Good job everyone.


This year I read the Aubrey/Maturin series (which I definitely recommend, especially if you like Peter Weir's movie adaptation!) and I was really glad I had listened to this ep of Hell of Presidents in particular for a recap of what the deal was with the war of 1812. There's a section in the seventh book where Jack and Stephen are prisoners of war in Boston that deals with domestic attitudes towards the war, particularly the fact the only thing Americans at that time hated more than the British navy was Irish people, lmao.

Garth Hansen

Relistening to hear Matt