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We’re keeping the Halloween spirit going a few more days as Jack Wagner joins us to discuss his new podcast Otherworld. Through the stories covered in Otherworld, we look at peoples’ experiences with Ghosts, Djinns, Gnomes, Aliens, Sasquatches and more. We also discuss how fraying trust in institutions, COVID, and other social disruptions might affect peoples’ experiences with the paranormal, and check in with John Kass for his thoughts on the ghoulish.

Check out Otherworld here:

https://linktr.ee/otherworldpodcast & https://www.instagram.com/otherworldpod/

and find the show’s Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/Otherworld




I gave Jack's podcast an honest listen. And so many episodes are like "I've suffered from sleep paralysis and narcolepsy my entire life. Then my father died when I was ten and I suffered five concussions in three months immediately after that, at the end of which my dad appeared to me in a dream. I believe in ghosts now." Almost all of his guests have suffered from hallucinatory sleep disturbances or some combination of severe physical/psychological trauma before they thought they encountered evil spirits or the like. And it's totally understandable for someone under those kind of stressors to process those in ways that feel deeply personal and frightening. But I also don't think it makes you a Reddit atheist or whatever to cock an eyebrow when somehow who nearly had their skull caved in during a car crash sees some weird shit afterwards. The podcast is spooky and fun, and many of the guests are good storytellers, but it's hard to take its constant hammering about how The Supernatural Is Real, Stop Thinking Otherwise with anything other than a grain of salt.


Hell yeah I love that Otherworld theme song at the end

Tyler Sutherland

This Jack guy is either too naive to be allowed to go outside without an aide, has the brain of a labradoodle, is a great salesman/actor, or is just an idiot. Either way, I will now probably check out his podcast to see how many grifters, wannabe writers, pranksters, and overall just unwell people he has on.