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Author Vincent Bevins returns to the show to discuss his new book “If We Burn” covering the “mass protest decade.”  We discuss global protest movements from Brazil to Tunisia to Egypt to Chile, how they’ve affected or failed to affect global politics, and how the last decade of protest and activism relates to the ongoing conflict in Palestine.

You can find Vincent’s book here: www.ifweburn.com




Not ninth?

Daniel Dermont

Did you sign off w anarchic menstruation❔


What's the ender song called?!?


Incredibly illuminating interview — we gotta get more guests like this on the show. I legitimately came away from this one with a more clear idea about how a marxist political project ought to be structured in a pre-revolutionary society, which is a nice contrast to the Doomer take that change is impossible in the west which seems to dominate most online communist spaces

Matt Murray

I went back and listened to your 1st Adam Curtis interview after this. There is a lot of overlap I think.

Chuck Skooch

Brazil's situation sounds exactly like how OWS ended up


Chapo doesn't just tear apart columnists and media pundits, but also then does the work that those "folks" should be doing in the first place.

Chuck Skooch

and pussy riot at the end hell yea

Alison Buki

This was so good


Love Bevins, but it seems a bit shortsighted to gloss over the blatant CIA/NED/SD Cutout interference in Maidan and the subsequent coverup. It makes the argument about protest tactics seem naive (though it's not wrong). In that case, at the least, if coopting actors have the backing of the US, how could an unarmed protest movement stop them?