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David J. Roth joins us this week as we continue discussing the relatively limp and unconvincing propaganda emerging around the Israel-Gaza war. Then, David gives us his review of “Moneyball” Michael Lewis’ new book on Sam Bankman-Fried, and we take a look at a new Washington Post piece chronicling Jim Jordan’s career arc from college wrestling champion to almost-Speaker of the House.

David’s review of Going Infiniteis here: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/10/how-michael-lewis-got-duped-by-sam-bankman-fried.html




I literally threw my arms in the air, yelled “YES!” and started clapping when I heard the Matt news. So happy for you and your family that you all get to be home together, Matt! Can’t wait to hear more about your progress! ❤️🥹

gormless scum

looks like matt has completed operation “make gaza blow up faster”


Y'all need to get Hasan Piker on

J.P. McD.

Even in the Liar’s Poker and other old days, Michael Lewis still had a smug sense of superiority over who he views as “common yokels” (small bank owners, California voters, any nation that voted for too many “entitlements”, people who get scammed by smart con men). Often the implied justification was that he understands the harsh truths of neoliberal economics and they don’t.


Being an Ohioan I have some connections to today's subjects. I have a close connection to one of Boehner's lifelong friends who stated "I have never seen anyone drink as much or swear as much as John Boehner". I guess that guy is an absolute fucking maniac alcoholic behind the scenes. Also I was friends with a lot of wrestlers growing up, and for a small genetic lineage, it is an absolute religion. Those people fucking MEAN it, I have never in my life met anyone who takes anything as seriously as Ohio wrestling people. Their devotion to the tradition is as absolute as any dogma in human history. Naturally, the kids who come out of it are either the absolute salt of the earth, reliable folks, or absolute manic psychopaths, no in-between.

matthew leahy

Hey first time long time.

matthew leahy

This is pretty weak shit from felix on the guy who lets his athletes get raped. Dude wtf is wrong with you who gives a fuck about this guy's wrestling career.