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Will & Felix continue last week’s discussion on Gaza & Palestine with further thoughts on the brutality of the unfolding conflict, reactions and narratives pushed through the American media, shifts in public opinion, and the unstable positions of Israel & America.

Here are a few Palestinian aid organizations worth your support:






Evan C.

What happened to Lebanon when it received a huge influx of Palestinian refugees? What happened to their historically Christian Levantine majority? Also, why were they in Lebanon to begin with? What happened that caused the Kingdom of Jordan to send them to Lebanon? I’m only just learning about all of this.

Jason Matthews

1) Lebanese demographics have been intentionally nerfed since at least the '50s in order to preserve the post-mandatory sectarian power sharing agreements. None of it should be treated as a known quantity.

Jessica Rios

Matt is so missed. We love Will and Felix too but we need Matt so much right now.


I got a solution: Dissolve the Israeli government and form and actual democracy that incorporates Palestinians. Democracy and equity are the only ways we can end these cycles of violence. The fact our governments can’t decide between inaction and genocide is a damning indictment against the neoliberal imagination. Israelis have been protesting Netanyahu’s corrupt government all year. They should make coalition

Elliot Matheny

agreed regarding the neoliberal imagination, but it’s hard to imagine an integrated Palestinian and Israeli state working in theory or practice at this point. Israeli settler opinion of Palestinians is shockingly dehumanizing, and I can’t imagine the Palestinians being particularly copacetic with their 75+ years long oppressors. As for real politik, Israel holds all the cards - they’re a nuclear armed state with massive military and diplomatic power, led by a straight up fascist government. I don’t see even a hypothetical international coalition as capable of disarming the regime and getting them to agree to some kind of mixed state, let alone honor the borders that Israel has blatantly disregarded since its inception.

Patrick Burke

Felix is a serious mfer because he’s going righteously hard against evil forces and he’s always stood by it.