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We hope everyone had a nice labor day.. Today, we’ve got and episode of rivalries: Musk vs. the ADL, the Schlapps vs. Demonic possession, Men (all) vs. Houseplants, Diarrhea vs. Air Travel, and Techno-Libertarians vs. Mud.




And we used to sleep on the beach here, sleep overnight. They don't do that anymore. Things changed, you see. They don't sleep anymore on the beach...

Gabrielle Chase

the pick-me WWII British officer in The Bridge On the River Kwai.. I'm glad he got got

Scot Forsythe

Matt so on point this ep especially the bit about the phantom limb of agrarianism haunting so many suburban lawns 😂


Lots of mispronunciations and malapropisms in this one, but Matt's "Silicone Valley" shouldn't be overlooked.

Thomas Sorensen

I'm sure no one will see this but to this day one of my favorite Biden moments was when he was asked how many genders there are and he said, "At least 3". That was good shit


Yeah i think “oafishness” is a gentler way of saying hetero men generally just don’t really care about the hobbies and stress relievers that their hetero women partners and family members take part in. It’s just laziness and disregard for others