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Some rapid fire takes on a smörgåsbord of topics: Blake Masters eyes another Senate bid; Cruz drinks beer; cuisine culture wars; Tim Scott’s single status; BookerTok; Trump assassination threats; Vivek on castes; Will Hurd brings Afghan-style competence to the southern border; Our busted medical system.

Check out the 8-hour Rod reading supercut over on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjQOTDlw4Qg




Great to hear the AcidMarxist shout out, I've listened to their compilations a whole lot, and now I don't get to feel guiltily sexy doing so!


Serving cunt


Really enjoy how Chapo is not talking about Maui at all. Literally the complete breakdown of public infrastructure on under neo-liberal Capitalism, the soul-less vulture closing in, thousands of children missing and the President and Media doing almost nothing aside from $700 each person, but more money for Ukraine! But, yeah, lets get around to the Trump mugshot story and culture-war stories so we don't appear too critical of Biden as the election season comes around.


We might have mediocre Mexican food here in Glasgow, but we do have good Indian places. Also, the culinary UN that is the munchy box

Major bit me

Chapo is political entertainment nothing they say matters in the slightest they are content creators not a politburo setting the party’s agenda

Agent Grange

Always miss Matt but I thoroughly enjoy every time the boys let Chris fill in more. He's the only person who can fill the same kind of energy and I found myself missing Chris after Hell on Earth and Hell of Presidents.


AN-94 from battlefield 3 man I probably had months worth of time played and he's right it was sick


For some reason I feel like Felix wants me to hook me up with Jodie Foster, but meh.


telemarketers owns, definitely had some friends who worked in a WV office. The tucker interview is so much better now we know he HATES Him


Chapo has been stuck in their liberal/leftist bubble. Russia has been winning this whole time.


Acid Marxist is how I truly fell in love w this podcast. I wasnt a fan until like late 2020 and it was partially bc of some great clips from youtube that sorta helped me get where the boys are coming from


imagine the soyface rod must have made when he ate that french cabbage

Will Elliot

The drunk driving incentive is a terrible idea. Do you want to live in a world where only Mormons have rifles?


sekiro cactus


American living in Belgium that works at a Mexican restaurant just checking in to say hey Felix 😘


Taco Bell is prole food


Where’s hood herrroooo goddammit 🐷


Did I hear they're going to interview the Hot Couch Guy from the telemarketers documentary?


Not that it really matters, but Felix’s Mexican slop à la français is a chain called O’tacos. You can get a duck taco.


can you get a stew and cabbage burrito as well?

Nathan E Simpson

I’m running for President and my platform is that you HAVE to drink at least 42 beers a week


What have the boys got against Scottush tacos?

Chuck Skooch

I was raised on a child leash and I came out fine...

Chuck Skooch

AN-94? fucking classy. love this podcast.


Family annihilater