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We’re joined by Justin Comer and Evan Jones of the Rock Hard Caucus podcast for their on-the-ground report from this year’s Iowa State Fair. Over the course of two days, Justin & Evan endured the brutal heat and hog stench of the Des Moines fairgrounds to see Mike Pence, Francis Suarez, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Marianne Williamson, RFK Jr. and more, all live and in the flesh. We get their takes on the Iowa political scene, what candidates can convincingly appear to be regular humans, and which of these freaks are worth paying attention to, if any.

Find all things Rock Hard Caucus here: https://rockhardcauc.us/

And their Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/rockhardcaucus

CANADA: this is your final chance to get tickets to Toronto on 8/17 and Montreal on 8/19! https://www.chapotraphouse.com/live




mhh yes the 4 branches of the goverment: the Legislative, the Judicial, the Executive, and the Bonus Executive


yeah dude i might be from a south asian origin but im actually monotheistic christian, check this out: There Is One God But God, and Allah Is His Prophet ... wait hold on

Ryan Moore

Lol fuckin Nikki Haley got China confused with Israel on that Pegasus shit

Ryan Moore

Ok so shortly after talk about the self promotion of political candidates like “the face of back white-supremacy” guy, y’all talk about about a “seat belt convincer” without mentioning Ralph Nader who I subjected myself to listening to this very fucking day on the daily Democracy Now podcast ending with promotion of his $5 Patreon-ass “Capitol” chain mail/newspaper. Unsafe at any speed? Anyone?


Anybody else hear the Otherworld podcast ep in which two people who described astral projection both described winding up in a big white tent with screens showing animals (and humans) being born?


Wow never expected a ray gun callout lmao. I was (sincerely) gifted a shirt of theirs that said “no coast” over a map of the US. I wasn’t embarrassed by that one when I wore it 10 years ago, but walking by their store now does psychic damage


Perry Johnson is now charging $7 shipping. Great job, everyone!

Justin Comer

Sorry, I was wrong about everything being free shipping. However, I'm looking at a cart of 60 hats right now with no shipping charge.


i grow weary for content


I’m so confused - they’d never seen pigs at the fair before? They were disturbed by baby farm animals at a state fair?


Anyone need a ticket for the Toronto show? I got one willing to part with for a grey wolf in need.