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It’s Will’s 40th birthday! Everybody say “happy birthday, Will.” We’re all here in Matt’s living room celebrating with a selection of delectable stories including a resounding victory for pro-choice supporters in Ohio, the Musk v Zuck fight, and the Utah guy who got the FBI to kill him through Facebook posts. But, the real star of this episode is a magisterial New Yorker profile of NYC Mayor Eric Adams, who demonstrates how he transcends politics, space, time and even the concept of self to become a living and eternal God.

CANADA: we will be there NEXT WEEK. Last chance to get tickets to Toronto on 8/17 and Montreal on 8/19 https://www.chapotraphouse.com/live




This one is an all-timer. Already re-listened multiple times.

Ijon Tichy

Eric Adams is clearly Chat-GPT made flesh


in my opinion, its because they're in the same room together. somethings definitely lost when theyre all on a zoom call


Isabella Rossellini in death becomes her is so hot. This ep does rule.

Naked Shitter

He abolishes reality because he's a cop. He's probably filled out his share of sensational reports.


Disappointed bout shitting on wim hoff, wonderful guy who sells nothing, changed my life mental health wise. All good tho I forgive you rascals


is your wife some kind of goddamn wellness hippy or something matt, like the fourth time in the last month he's mentioned astrology shit

Dez Martin

elden ring bit absolutely goated

Starry Pr1nce

Too bad actually being a healthy vegan requires doing meal prep all day on Sunday with tons of chopping and kitchen work, and not doing mock meat microwaving or restaurants like the unhinged narcissist you're talking about.


Prolly mad at how hungry you get when you're veeg