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Will and Hesse examine two films by director Nicolas Roeg: Eureka (1983) and Insignificance (1985). Eureka stars Gene Hackman as a prospector who strikes an ungodly amount of gold, and explores themes of physical and sexual desire. Insignificance features an imagined conversation between Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Joseph McCarthy and Joe DiMaggio, and considers the 20th century through the twin destabilizing forces of atomic destruction and uncontrollable horniness.




Any plans for a Harmony Korine episode? We need a full analysis of Trash Humpers.

Claire Casey


Rohmer Simpson

Fantastic albums, two great films

Claire Casey

Fuck I think there was an early episode about girl boss bullshit that dropped this in place of the main theme music


I was going to start the episode but I listened to insignificance instead, perfect album

Claire Casey

All his for lack of a better term "pop" albums are pretty much perfect. I'm a freak and love most of the noise and drone stuff too though


Will, it’s me, your biological father. Please review some Lars Von Trier films next.

Patrick Burke

Any weirdos know where I can find these to watch?


Eureka is free on tubi


Maybe if you kick herrrrr, but your leg’s gettin weakerrrrrr, and she’s a deep sleeperrrrrr, and you would get a snorerrrrrrr, to share your last hourrrrrr, you sure picked a winnerrrrr 💜 10/10 albums, was not expecting to see Jim O’Rourke love here

Yairo Martis

The poster for 'Insignificance' should be that picture of Marilyn Monroe's face that turns into Einstein's face as you move closer.

Rohmer Simpson

Eureka - watch with ads on Tubi; buy or rent in HD from Vudu Insignificance - Criterion Channel And furthermore: Don't Look Now - free on Kanopy (that's the one where you need a library card), otherwise rent or buy from many of the usual sites Bad Timing - Criterion Channel or buy / rent from Apple or Amazon Walkabout - same as Bad Timing The Man Who Fell to Earth (Roeg's greatest film imo) - rent it in 4K! on the usual sites, or buy the disc

Mitch H.

I watched a lot of the movies recommended by this show, but I don't think I'm watching these. These seem like movies for real demented movie perverts

Rohmer Simpson

not really but.... if anything, dip your toe in w/ Don't Look Now. it's probably the one that has the broadest appeal among freaks and civilians alike. you'll know from that if you want to watch the others.

Shauna Seroquel

Soooo glad you brought up There Will Be Blood, that lift has gobsmacked me for years


Are you going to analyze any work by female filmmakers?


Agree, these are the first ones to seem too complicated/obtuse to be enjoyable too


Uh, they already have on the main show - Wonder Woman 1 & 2 and eternals

Rohmer Simpson

Errybody gangsta til they might have to venture outside their comfort zone

Shauna Seroquel

They should totally do 70s Wertmuller and Cavani... (I was thinking the Wachowski Gals...but I think their wingspan gives them an unfair advantage...)

Rohmer Simpson

Chantal Akerman would be a great choice.... although I'd love to see them cover Catherine Breillat. Akerman the poet of sexual-social ennui and yearning; Breillat the junkyard dog of bodies and fluids.

Corey Reynolds

I think Gary Busey was picked to played Joe Dimmagio bc they both have weird teeth. Different kinds of weird teeth but both equally weird

Claire Casey

Wertmuller probably has too much overlap with the Sleazoids who I think they're trying to be respectful of. Specifically because it was Hesse who did a free episode of theirs where she brought Seven Beauties which is a recommended listen. They've overlapped a bit, it's impossible with movie pods especially when the four hosts pretty high key have the same taste but probably won't hear any movies Will or Hesse did over there

Claire Casey

But yes I'd like some femme energy here especially if they did the Wachowski Sisters since I'm a broad and a trans one and I mean so is the co-host, although I just would really love if they both love Speed Racer and covered it

Claire Casey

I'm somehow promoting my own post but if you search, episode 14 starts off and ends with "Women of the World" from Eureka instead of the usual theme because it's mostly them talking bullshit girl boss politics with a (non bullshit) girl boss guest. So at minimum Brendan has always been a head and we can kind of just assume that Chris is just a music man of exquisite taste by now as well

Rohmer Simpson

I would have suggested the Wachowskis or Campion but Blank Check has covered them recently - and done well - so I would put my thumb on the scale for the great Euro broads.

Rene Saller

Oooh, Mary Harron and/or Catherine Breillat and/or Claire Denis would be good!

Claire Casey

Harron would fucking rock, a double of Warhol and Psycho just these two and possible guest I'd love to hear riff on (I sadly have to admit I can't remember her other work off the top but there's so much material in those two although I'd estimate approx 638 movie pods about just American Psycho exist

Claire Casey

Wow I'm surprised Blank Check did Campion, I thought their whole thing was "director made a hit and was suddenly gifted the Title of the Podcast" I might have to go back

Claire Casey

Of course not to overlap with the Soundtracker conceit too much but obviously the O"Rourke catalog is essential. God Soundtracker is such a good concept I hope he doesn't have to end it

Claire Casey

I think I'm ratioing this one by myself out of my enthusiasm for Jim O"Rourke, sorry. The movies are good and the pod is good!! 👍

Claire Casey

Sadly the works of Loiuse Linton are all going to be main feed stuff, I just realized

Claire Casey

OK I swear I'm winding down, but is there any chance OG Chapo International Film Correspondent Matt V Brady shows up? I just feel like has to. Ask him to phone in a half ass 5 minute review of a movie on the list and it will still be fantastic

Rohmer Simpson

They’ve made a concerted effort to include female auteurs - the Elaine May miniseries is very good, as well. They’re not dirty pinko leftists or whatever, but I think they produce a great pod.

Rohmer Simpson

I’m extremely fond of those Roeg-named O’Rourke albums and have been since seeing (the late) Shinji Aoyama’s Eureka in 2000. Named after - yep! - and IIRC makes ample use of the JO’R album.

Claire Casey

I enjoy them when I go back a lot, but there's only when they really hot their niche idea I usually listen for an entire series, just because I find the conceit good. Like the last one I listened to was Raimi because discussing his entire career in the specific context of "he made Spider-Man and now he can do whatever he wants" is fascinating. Although obviously the Oz movie revoked the blank check pretty quick ;(

Claire Casey

On women directing who made a hit and presumably got.the BLANK CHECK, Heckerling and Spheeris would be awesome. Fuck they probably covered them. But if not God I kind of want Will and Hesse's thoughts on like, the Decline movies and then the pivot to Wayne's World and lesser comedies because its always been so weird to me that it happened

Rohmer Simpson

Yeah, they're well past the point of discussing how the many many wrinkles on the "blank check" conceit has all but worn it away of its original meaning. What I think makes them worth listening to, imho, is that they make a great duo, kind of a less extreme Martin & Lewis, but underwrite each ep with one of the best researchers in the game, JJ Bersch. Anyway, for me, it's ok to have some squares and straights in my content feed. For every TrueAnon I've also got 99% Invisible; for every Death is Just Around the Corner I've also got Cortex by Relay FM.


I’ve liked most of the movies in this series, but Eureka is just plain bad imo. You get an intriguing, kind of Lynchian opening of one movie, a boring if at times sexy middle of a different movie, and a exposition-laden ending that fails badly at bringing them together.

Boaz Corey

Insignificance sort of reminds me of Robert Anton Wilson's novel "Masks of the Illuminati", which imagines a drug-fueled hangout between Einstein, James Joyce, and Aleister Crowley (all of whom lived in Zurich around the same time).

Dennis Lyons

I’ve no qualms with perversion, but these both sucked ass imo. Abhorrent acting! 🙈

Dennis Lyons

Was surprised how bad it was. Both these movies actually! Still fun listening to these 2 riff on them though 😊


Please consider doing an episode on George Romero and one on Tobe Hooper!


We love Hesse

Adam Foster

With Eureka it really sounds like Rutger Hauer ate Gene Hackman’s “soul” and shit it out just like he did with the gold nugget

J Vladcliff

I notice a parallel between Eureka and Mc Cabe and Mrs Miller, a man who will not partner, sell out and ends up dead


If I hadn't already seen a few Roeg films, I would have been pretty lost, tbh. When I think about my favorite episodes, it's a combination of a well-known film with a more obscure selection (Cure/Bright Future was a real standout). That would give people who are starting down the path of movie mindset at least one foothold each episode. That being said, I'm very excited about next week's episode. Two all-time great films!


Most disturbing part of this was when Will and Hesse discussed the doing of long division in the characters heads, their competition. I have been doing long division in my head since I was a teenager to help get myself to sleep/as a way to occupy myself when very bored. What fate does this portend?


Just got used to the rahther pretentious way Will says the word rather, now he can’t pronounce the name Theresa?


Gotta say I didn’t think I’d like movie mindset or hell on earth but these are really good. Would love a Terrence Malick episode of movie mindset even to hear you all hate on his films. He’s my favorite director.

Don Tickles

Will try to think with my eyes but does anybody want to play with the idea that Roeg just sucks ass at telling a story? Can we define his appeal as a separate thing?

Shauna Seroquel

Separate thing from what exactly? I'm being a bitch (but not a kneejerk contrarian 😽) but I sincerely don't know what you mean by that. Why does everything have to be about 'telling a story'? 'Cinema is far too rich and capable a medium to be merely left to the storytellers' - Peter Greenaway

Rohmer Simpson

One of the things I liked about this ep was hearing the audio of the Eureka trailer, which, improbably, conveys the weird majesty of the film in miniature. Also, and not to take anything away from what I just said, but you could have a video of a man getting a haircut and score it to Wagner's Vorspiel and it would be a cinematic masterpiece.


What are the next movies?

Jude Brown

This episode was release on my birthday yet there was no mention of it, hmm…

Dennis Lyons

Will is notorious for his pronunciation issues, we love it! 🥰😂😂

Steven Hedley

Would love to hear y’all’s talk about Wong Kar Wai and Chungking Express


Do Dark City. There is no movie, "there is no case - it's all just a big joke!"

Jennifer Reft

For anybody interested in more Theresa Russell (and Sandra Locke) I highly recommend this episode of You Must Remember This. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/you-must-remember-this/id858124601?i=1000608299360


i got really high right before the dimaggio scenes and was laughing hysterically, then cried at the we burned children line👍👍

Drew Elliott

Theresa Russel is in a great Law and Order Criminal Intent


The biggest inspiration for Blonde was The Man Who Fell To Earth. Look at the beach scene again when they are looking up at the stars. It mimics when Newton first has sex with Mary Lou and I think in Blonde that’s when Monroe first sleeps with the two men together. Both films are about indifference. Like Fire Walk With Me, which Blonde references heavily also. But it’s full up with Insignificance references aswell.

Zach H.

Swear to god, ‘…never made dime on another man’s sweat.’ is going on my gravestone