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Blake Masters (NOT THAT ONE, Blake is the creator of Showtime’s Brotherhood, and writer for Rubicon, Law & Order: LA, and Falling Water among many other shows) joins us to discuss the ongoing WGA writers’ strike. Will and Blake touch on the transforming landscape of Television, fair compensation in the age of streaming, standing creative professionals’ ground against AI, and how entertainment unions fit into the larger world of American organized labor. And also, how all TV writing eventually leads back to Columbo.



J. A.

Richard nixon, surprisingly, had a lot of problems


Trashfuture interview Nick Adams about the WGA strike but get the wrong guy, Chapo interview Blake Masters about the WGA strike but get the wrong guy. I tell ya i'm bout to go on strike from listening to podcasts

Mike Mariano

I was going to say that all of his credits sound like fake shows Felix came up with, but as Good Doctor discourse has shown us we terminally online posters lack basic awareness of actual television.

Son of El Topo

Nice interview. Solidarity to the writers! The film industry can be pretty rough on people so I hope they can win.

Negative Affirmations

From what I remember, Rubicon was pretty great show. It's too bad it never got a second season. All about a false flag attack plot orchestrated by the deep state that a low-level, nerdy intelligence agent stumbles across. Definitely would not be made today.

Jimmy B

Pay actors less, pay writers nothing


Whether it’s the same Blake masters or not, they ROASTED THE NAME ITSELF when dude was running for office😂😂


Sorry to Chris for even suggesting this, but I think it would be great if Will could do a bonus interview with a WGA member every week as long as the strike lasts. The stars are aligning for the ultimate bonus interview episodes.


Next in this series: Minnesota Nurses Association members interview about the Mayo Clinic blackmail antics !

Brian Rooney

Two things. One, maybe the studios look at the numbers and see that future audiences just aren’t watching tv or movies; it’s over, might as well make senseless content … Two, the content that does make money may not need an actual writer, or at least a writer in the WGA.


very accurate description of ai!

Poppy Chulo

These are actually decent points, I would be curious to see what the Will, Felix and Matt would have to say.

Jason Chapa

Loved “Brotherhood.”

Jessica S

Man, I loved Rubicon. I still remember the scene where one of the main shady dudes is in his home office, clutching a newspaper with a trembling grip as he discovers a clover pressed into its fold. The camera cuts to outside the house and after a beat you hear a single muffled gunshot. I hated that it was cancelled, but my very uninformed guess is that A&E put their money on another little show at the time, The Walking Dead. Personally I prefer supranational conspiracy to zombies, in a lot of ways the former is far more terrifying. I wish the show could be revived. In some ways it even more relevant than before. Perhaps too on the nose, lol.

Christopher E Musgrave

No they could. Just they have to have a twist where it turns out the false flag is good because it lets them do a woke invasion against Iran or something

Christopher E Musgrave

Fascinating details about the changes to the creative process. Reminds me of that narrative I've heard about how we fucked ourselves out of the auto business by arranging the supply chain so it couldn't unionize but also couldn't innovate processes effectively


Love the episodes that interview rank and filers about their workplace issues and why/how they are engaged in struggle ☝️☝️☝️


if you actually think TV is in managed decline then why not sell off the IP and contracts to the unions, so they can do it on their own terms

Jed Levin

This is news I can use. Love the laser focus, thanks for this episode! The outro music brings me right back!

Andy Orsburn

Good episode. I thought the guest was introduced as Blake Edwards. That made the episode very intriguing for the first 10 minutes or so. 👍


So glad you guys continue to do these, solidarity forever


First the AI came for the writers and I did not speak out…

David Wentworth

LA based vis dev in animation here, we love the WGA! make the studios tap the mat or choke 'em out! <3


Good stuff

Michelle B

This was a very worthwhile episode! Just brought some eats to the picket lines.

Ian H

Very pleasing to think of every tv writer in a web of master crafts/apprentices with its' center emanating from Columbo


QQ for the group who wrote the shows that people internalized and turned into toxic shit in our culture... I weep...

Scot Forsythe

I feel like the issue isn’t really like , what’s the purpose of what is coming into our homes, is it art etc…it’s more like, this AI shit is from hell please don’t consume it 😅


Cancel yo ‘flix. Watch you some YouTube. Vote with your clicks and streams.


And be agro as hell when MFers talk about AI. Makes me sound normal. Thanks for the cover. But for real: talk endless shit about AI, to the point of sounding ridiculous yourself. The next generation must abhor even bringing it up.


Make these studios prove that these shows are not AI.


And normalize boycotting AI writing. Language models are Theft. Start fights in bars over it. Encourage your cousins who would otherwise fall into libertarianism, to be Anti-AI. They were just looking for something to be upset over anyway.


Accuse everything of being AI. Demand proof of authorship of everything.


No political speech is legit unless there’s some nerd lip-synching along in the background.


And then refuse to send text messages or emails, lest they be fed into the large language models.


Insist on submitting text via handwriting only. Deny and denounce texts without countersigned handwriting to prove human origin. REN FAIRE FOLK THIS IS YOURS FUCKING CHANCE AT RELEVANCE. I HOPE YOU’Re in Here cuz I’m not posting this anywhere else.

Claire Casey

What substance was D B using when they went off like that ^