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Sr. Foreign Correspondent Derek Davison stops by to take us around the world: China brokers mid-east diplomatic deal, Australia gets nuclear subs, porno mercenary recruitment, Russia drops drone, Ukraine exports grain…everything you could need in your Chapo Daily Brief.

Subscribe to Derek’s Foreign Exchanges here: https://fx.substack.com/

And listen to American Prestige here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/american-prestige/id1574741668




Idk if this has been mentioned by someone else but an important thing to understanding jp-sk relations, and why yoon suk-yeol and park geun-hye were happy to reimburse victims of jp forced labor regimes while Moon Jae-in isn't is that the South Korean right and the wealthiest sectors of SK society are full of Japanese collaborators and the spawn of japanese collaborators, and so there has been a concerted effort by the right to sweep the brutality of JP occupation of Korea under the rug. One of the huge scandals in the last days of Park Geun-hye's presidency before she got shitcanned was about new history textbooks for the national curriculum that greatly deemphasized the suffering of the Korean people under jp occupation

Christopher Price

https://www.meduza.io/amp/en/news/2023/02/13/mediazona-and-bbc-news-russian-publish-further-figures-on-russia-s-losses-in-ukraine this seems to be the closest to an independent source on Russian losses, but it's just the regular army, and doesn't count Wagner or LPR/DPR. Rybar (who has the most detailed maps) has Wagner PMC holding the eastern bank and the north and south of the city : https://mobile.twitter.com/rybar_en/status/1636079179220373505


did anyone else have problem playing f this epsiode after minute 52? it just stops for me


Eliza - I downloaded the mp3 and can play to 1 hour, 12 minutes, and it wraps up normally - "'til next time" and music outro

John Mitchell


John Mitchell



As a person from Illinois, I take a huge hit of heroin when ever Felix mentions a random Illinois town.

Nick Muscatiello

Derek Davison annoys the fuck out of me




Canada also calls sandals thongs


I think that is very regional, and maybe class and gender based as well. For most Albertans, sandals are sandals.


is the person who was filling their diaper about making fun of RT in the comments here too, i can't wait

Peter Fishbeast

Is there still a chapo discord


Derek Davison's take on Russia-Ukraine is less than useless. It's regurgitated Western propaganda, lazily undigested. Just the same broad talking points you get from 100% pro-war, pro-West Twitter accounts. E.g., "human wave tactics" - something that Western countries did in WWI and that no one else has done since because tactics adjusted to the invention of the machine gun. This is just something that the West wants to stereotype enemies with and is asserted without any evidence - despite the myriad of videos and photos of the war that are freely available. It relies on the idea of the same idea Chapo rightly denounces in the review of 300 - that the people of the East are hordes of mindless slaves willing to die because they're evil and not really human. Or "Bakhmut has no strategic value" - despite it sitting on the crossroads of every major highway in the region PLUS the railways. And the fact that it's in a river valley surrounded by heights - with Russian troops outflanking the city and taking the heights first, which means the valley behind the heights behind Bakhmut will soon be vulnerable. Etc. Etc. The most leftist Western brain that only runs on Western propaganda is still a Western brain.


"joining us from the american prestige podcast.." *i start preemptively booing* "... it's derek davison." *i agreeably settle back down*


Some of these comments under this post have convinced me that Russian strategic social media bots are actually real.


it's like if it were 1916 and people in the letters to the editor were like "the mainstream media doesn't want you to know but the Austro Hungarian Empire is pulling mad moves right now. French lines on the verge of collapsing any day now"

chetan kadodwala

I'm sorry that you are shocked that intelligent people don't buy US media propaganda, I'm guessing you also thought the Iraq war was a good idea as well.


"I don't buy US propganda" - people who think deep fried russian telegram memes are objectively real


It's probably real. Thay doesn't mean they are not saying things we should know and won't get any other way, tho.