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A grab-bag of topics today: A novel idea for fixing policing from the Slow Boring blog; Eric Adams has a rat problem; Priest goes to hell; TikTok ban on the horizon; Prince Andrew in the tub; Andrew Tate’s jail posts.




I just want the next HoE plssss

Riley Bloomer-Ludwig

TicToc is uniquely disturbing. Ban TicToc and long live COMMUNISM


Its not a surprise that TikTok can arouse this much fervent discourse, you’re essentially FaceTiming humanity’s collective id when you log on. Combine that with the most efficient algorithms for engagement that social media has ever produced and you have a recipe for people losing their minds to some form of brain rot, whether they love the app or hate it

aida beats

overflowing tintures of honeywine fucked me up


loved the redwall shoutout

Ijon Tichy

Reminds me of a time when you'd have vague memories of the kids' novels you read as a kid―did l have any idea what a stoat was at the time?—rather than having spent your whole adult life obsessing over the kids' novels you've been rereading since you were a teen.


if 2 people cant fit, you must acquit

Claire Casey

Don't worry, Covfefe


Yes, get Nick Diamonds for we didn't start the fire!


“euchre Avignon papacy” is gonna tickle me for a good while

Ascetic Blur

Look I might burn for all eternity but Belial writes fuckin bangers y'all.

Matthew Shurtleff

The 10 pound phone idea is genius. The weight should be granite, hand chiseled by union masons - that way it's really expensive, awkward to carry, and supports working wages


it also gives every citizen their own self defense weapon, so we can finally enact gun control laws

J. A.

I mean if everyone invovled was paid fairly theyd be 80k so maybe this problem fixes itself....