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We finally devote a whole episode to the special insanity of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Will, Felix and Kath have each selected a favorite episode from the series’ 22-season run to look into how America’s longest-running hour-long drama appeals to & shapes our disgusting lizard brains.

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Haven't had a more cathartic episode since Matt screamed "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"


SVU is the drek that satisfies the Western sex panic.


Did Will realise that Julian Sands went missing in the mountains near LA like two weeks ago when you made this?


Jeremy Irons saying with a straight face "It's not incest between men" will never not be funny

J.P. McD.

“‘A’ romantic partner” from Felix; I’m gonna use that


This crew recapping SVU eps should be the next pod in the Chapo Extended Universe

Maxwell Harkness

watched the one SVU episode Felix mentioned just to hear Jeremy Irons say the line

Poppy Chulo

I thought we got new eps on Sunday night?


TBH w/ exception to his interview with Blago I’m not really into Felix episodes. They’re usually about some dogshit tv series no one watches and I don’t get 90% of his jokes. He’s a good co-pilot though, one of the best.


YES!!! This is exactly what I needed to cleanse my heart and mind of that terrible AFC championship game last night!!


Didn’t Dick Wolf create Law and Order because he is a right-winger law and order type who HATED Perry Mason?


I don't get it, are people asking for episodes about TV? Am I just paying for these guys to watch TV and movies all day? It seems like it sometimes with the amount of stuff they seem to consume and talk about. WTF

Gee Mama

Canadians have more money on their hands than they know what to do with, maybe this is the hidden danger of socialized medicine

Poppy Chulo

Fun fact the actor who played Perry Mason had gay sex and was extremely gay.

J.P. McD.

That’s a great idea - but what I originally meant was I’ll use the term “a romantic partner” bc it’s nicer than “f buddy” and it has that subtle implication (“a”) that “this guy fucks” while still being almost professional


Isn't that how he ended up in that wheelchair??