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We’re joined by AJ+ journalist Mohammad Alsaafin to discuss the newly formed Israeli government, the state of Palestinian resistance, and of course, Mideast politics vis-à-vis the recent World Cup.

Follow Mohammad on Twitter at @malsaafin



David Andrews

Another outstanding interview


Let's all remember what Nick said, there are still good people in Israel. They're called Palestinians


"The Biden Administration has tried as much as possible to not get involved in anything when it comes to Israel and Palestine" - Oh how much things have changed....

Sam Ray

Make this available to all.


It would be sick if you guys unlocked this episode so i can send to my gen z zionist pals. Also, I’m gay


The biggest scams of the 21st century: Crypto, 9/11, protein pancakes.


This topic is too important to put behind a paywall. Please make this public

C. Ries

Did Felix legit mix up Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews lmao

Adam H.

What's the song at the end?

Andrew Cross

slop! where’s our slop?!

Reece Coren

thank you guys so much for unlocking!!!!