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Is this the Pope's new army? The boys answer this week's critique from the traditional Catholic posse, two of whom agreed and then later declined to appear on the show to defend the Mother Church. An analysis of the genesis of the beef, and a reading from the 'Tradinista Manifesto.' Put on your robes and get ready for those smells and bells.

Also, a dive into the Mail Bag.





Patrick Holt

I don't really understand the idolatry level of anti-abortionism. It's another one of those things Jesus said nothing whatsoever about, and which the rest of scripture is matter of fact about, like you should drink bitter waters to induce a misacarriage in the case of rape. I think the image of the unborn child is seen as this imacculate, perfectly holy being, whereas the baptism liturgy itself used to include a formal exorcism, on the assumption the opposite is true, that the child comes into the world already a sinner. And it seems like performative compassion, towards hypothetical, potential people who don't actually exist yet, on the part of conservatives who are functionally sociopathic in their denial of compassion towards real people in need politically. Making that the sticking point, instead of anti-capitalism for Christians, which was Jesus's sticking point, for which he was prepared to tell rich people to piss off, essentially, until they were ready to sell everything they had and give the proceeds to the poor, and for which he was prepared to personally whip traders in the Temple, is bizarrely tangential as a form of Christian piety.

Jan Meyer

My stance on anti-abortion is usually "Sure, I don't like it either, but if you want to reduce the number of abortions make sure people can have and want kids. Creches, social programs, pre-K, etc, etc. But don't say how it is a crime while you step over a homeless person.