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The dry boys ride solo this week: First, we plug not one but two upcoming live shows (Genius HQ this Saturday and Caroline's on Broadway next Monday). Then, we read about the crazy, but actually quite sad, world of Jim Cooley, Walmart operator.

Finally, we return to the Benedict Zone for a reading from adult Rod Flanders, aka Rod Dreher, whose latest fevered ramblings revolve around his childhood roleplaying as a half-Elf named Grunthorp.

The Post story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/guns-and-sodas/2016/09/17/805e0db4-79e9-11e6-bd86-b7bbd53d2b5d_story.html



Reece Coren

these episodes are my favorite comfort listens 🫶

Reece Coren

i got head from a half elf behind the td garden once


are you recording the caroline's show?


I like Kraftwerk... (serious side eye) 😂


Also, I love the Bezos feed for the Bozkurtlar. Thanks!

Erik Weissengruber

On sexual / culture political reaction and the formation of "nerd culture" in a Reaganite context: "Naked went the Gamer" <a href="http://adept-press.com/ideas-and-discourse/other-essays/naked-went-the-gamer/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://adept-press.com/ideas-and-discourse/other-essays/naked-went-the-gamer/</a>

Erik Weissengruber

"Significantly, many groups, even the teen ones, included women in their late twenties who were interested in role-playing and not at all concerned about the propriety of hanging out with boys ten years younger. This was the late 1970s, after all. I remember quite a few such individuals. By 1983, things had changed drastically; in some ways, it mirrored a general subcultural shift across the entire country (see the film Boogie Nights if you didn't live through it). I'd realized that D&D had become a "pube" activity, meaning 10-13-year-olds exclusively, most of whom played once and then walked. The content resembled video games of the time: lives, levels, and skyrocketing success scores, with no real loss at all. It was utterly divorced from fantasy or mythic literature, and the comics and fantasy authors of the day disavowed the hobby en masse. Successful play became more and more a matter of who could break the game fastest, and the social gamer became more and more consistently the social-outcast gamer. Gaming communities weren't an edifying bunch, actually; they'd been transformed socially and procedurally by the Cargo Cult context into a rabidly-abusive, nitpicky bunch, in which the Social Contract actually included making others upset. It had lost its cool factor entirely, just in time for me to go to college in the fall of that year. The aforementioned Willing Female Factor had vanished like smoke, and, my priorities firmly in place, I swore off the hobby. The oath didn't last long, of course. I did find a lot of people to role-play with, including women my own age, but always on the basis that we "weren't like those gamers." Conversations about role-playing ceased instantly if anyone nearby evinced interest in D&D. We played Champions and Stormbringer, and looked forward to the buzz of GURPS. " <a href="http://www.indie-rpgs.com/articles/20/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.indie-rpgs.com/articles/20/</a>


Really great point that class is basically universally divorced as a political point among all these discussions: black lives matter protests, white rebellions, trump support, bernie support (millenial lack of jobs and enthusiasm for a more of the same candidate), the donor class, racism and its varied effects on different subcultures, we hear pundits droning on and on about whether skittles are fucking refugees or not but not one connects the simple dots for their audience that money fucking matters, and if you flatline the middle class, increase the number of people living in abject poverty (over the last 8 years), and give all the massive wealth creation to the top .5%, you get fucking Donald Trump and no one gives a shit about Hillary's canned messages and one liners... Interesting though how people of that class can afford so many security cameras and automatic weapons... wtf is up with that?


Also funny that we are sure he is a Trump supporter, but the lack of a public option and runaway healthcare costs means just like fucking always, he's voting directly against his own interests (40k for a heart attack holy shit)


This was one of your best ones yet, thanks guys.

Aaron Hege

Fuckin great intermission song


rod dreher games not because he doesn't have a life, but because he chooses to have many.

Erik Weissengruber

You realize your elf recording is Canada's Paul Soles. The voice of SPIDERY from the original cartoon. Your welcome!

Michael S. Judge

I would like a T-shirt whereon is inscribed ye legend, "That guy in my computer is having a good time. Maybe I should put my dick in an asshole."

Rafael Diaz

Anyone else having trouble loading this on iPhone?

David Eisenberg

Don't show Rod Dreher this screenshot that proves Nintendo is anti-gender binary: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/M6PHonS.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/M6PHonS.jpg</a>

Big Cheesin'

Splatoon finally allowed me to express my true self. I'm a kid now. I'm a squid now.

Alex Cole

It actually is pronounced "Wynd-er."


Love that George Jones song