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Brace and Liz from TrueAnon join us to share some updates from their coverage of the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell. We discuss the strategies of the prosecution and defense, new revelations & evidence revealed in the proceedings, and the testimony from victims.

For daily podcast updates on the trial, follow TrueAnon wherever you get your podcasts.



Bobby Volcano

Already listened to every daily update and still hyped to listen to this


Gavels are just from Film/TV where some Director a million years ago though it would look good...really they're from auctions


Free Jussie


Will is not backing down on the “Jilaine” pronunciation. Hope she can join the elite ranks of people whose names have never been pronounced correctly by the Chapo hosts, along with President Xi.

Samuel Cain

Gislane says her name on trial as "Jilane" which you can clearly hear in the Trueanon intro to these proceedings. Whether or not each person's NAME is CORRECTLY pronounced I guess we'll leave to you


I was just poking fun. The common anglicized pronunciation of Ghislaine is “Gilane” or “Gillen” and for Xi it’s “Shee” instead of “Zhee” or “Zee”. Also if you mean the intro song, it sounds like a hard G to me idk.


he's a yank, he's gonna fuck up the french pronounciation no matter what. just do whatever


Brace went easy on Reddit


database in fl. Lol brace cracks me up

Matt Crossin

i dislike a lot of the Epstein stuff done on the show, but this was pretty interesting and the court sketch artists thing was a great bit lol

Matt Crossin

They get very confident and self righteous about stuff there’s little to no evidence for (there were some pretty embarrassing, seemingly coke-fuelled, comments made right after his death). Like a lot of these kind of narratives it’s a lazy substitute for actual radical analysis of social relations, institutions, etc. i don’t think there’s much there beyond the obvious crimes, and don’t think it would be *that* important even if there were


how is it a lazy analysis? Have you listened to this show? How is it 'not important' what are you talkng about? and 'coke-fuelled' what?

Matt Crossin

unsubstantiated, conspiratorial, and individualised thinking - framed in terms of grand narratives - are an attractive distraction from, and substitute for, institutional analysis of capitalist state systems and a politics of transforming relations in production - socialism. I have. On this kind of subject their liberal tendency toward these narratives shines through. Even if a bunch of them were true what actually changes about what socialists are supposed to do? Around the time of Epstein/the primary Matt in particular sounded like he was on something while recording lol.


Absolutely ridiculous to say that this case doesn't involve 'institutional analysis of capitalist state systems' when it involves the sex trafficking of minor girls for the pleasure of world billionaires and politicians. The issue is of a billionaire who, along with untold numbers of high profile friends, raped young girls. 'Conspiratorial' thinking is warranted when there is evidence of actual conspiracies. What would you call it when a U.S attorney gives an absurdly lenient plea deal to a pedophile because he says he was told that Epstein 'belonged to intelligence'? Or the fact that royalty and multiple ex-presidents were close friends of his and frequented his rape island? Or all of the weird details with his 'suicide'- hanging himself with paper thin sheets in one of the most secure prisons in the country, where all the security cameras mysteriously didn't work that night? Both Chapo and TrueAnon have offered systemic analysis of the Epstein case- detailing how an obvious state intelligence asset engages in sex crimes, along with the most powerful people in the world, and dies immediately after being arrested. Saying they engage in 'unsubstantiated' and 'individualised' thinking is so ridiculous. The entire purpose of the TrueAnon podcast was to offer clear evidence and analysis of Epstein's crimes, in association with the broader system. How can you say that this is an attractive distraction from institutional analysis of capitalism when this case is the best representation of the rot in our government and disgusting activities of the richest and most powerful people in the world? Disgusting to also say you don't think these crimes are "that important" when it involves the sex-trafficking, rape, and psychological trauma of untold numbers of young girls.

Matt Crossin

See, none of this is a real analysis of how capitalism functions; of the ongoing processes of capital accumulation, contemporary class composition, state behaviour, or anything else. I know all about Epstein’s crimes and his connections, none of which I’m disputing or calling irrelevant. The evidence of there being an assassination is thin, as plausible as it is. But really I’m talking about them going as far as to throw out insane stuff about epstein ‘not being a real guy’ but rather some representative of a ‘ritualistic elite initiation process’ or whatever. Really dumb shit. But again, I’m also talking more broadly here. They’re clearly prone to jump on these sexy narratives based on little tid bits of evidence. It’s a very liberal thing to do.


Real class analysis is entering the comments to speculate that your fav podcasters are on drugs.

Liam CZA Noble

Trying to portray the story in terms of only capitalism is a reductionism and limiting to overall understanding


Excellent use of the Chewbacca Defense.

Chris Ryan

More like Matt Crossin’ my fingers and praying that someone cares what I think


The pretty good British podcast ”Hunting Ghislaine” also goes with soft ”g”. They interview people why hung out with her, and are supposedly familiar with how she says her name… As a sidenote, pretty sure this podcast host John Sweeney is the British “gourmand” type Brace mentions in their latest episode, he sounds like he has elbow patches on his tweed jacket.


A lot of these radical internet leftists come off like vegans. You have to agree 100% with their worldview or they'll write a lengthy treatise detailing all the ways in which you're not only wrong but hurting the movement.


I'm with you Matt. When Julie Brown, the journalist responsible for bringing much of this to light and fighting for it to be heard is saying that people are getting loony about the case it says a lot. 86%+ of sexual crimes are committed by family members, including an overwhelming amount of pedophila. It's easier to imagine pedophiles as eyes wide shut elite maniacs and not like, your uncle Jim, which is why I think Epstein draws the conspiracy theories that he does.


this is a soap opera for yall just admit it. the scope of any kind of outcome from this case is so narrow and minimal that it really in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter. the victims deserve their chance to talk and see these pedophiles served justice. but like any kind of systemic outcome is already ruled out. it has been pretty much since the epstein suicide news cycle died out. podcasters are just entertainers though so if this is what yall want then whatever, you paid your 5 bucks, indulge yourselves


Agree with you Matt and Will above. There seems to be really thin line between using the Epstein case as an example of how the elite has its own rules and how espionage works, and descending into paranoia. It’s VERY similar how the satanic panic of the 80’s and 90’s wracked the brains of even left-liberal parents, and the overblown “epidemic” of rapes and murders in the 70’s (eg. Summer of Sam) and then almost in the same period the panic about widespread child kidnappings and murder, which instantly obliterated any freedom American children had in their lives, no more riding a bike to school and spending the afternoon alone. It’s not a coincidence that these phenomena coincide with the neoliberal and retro-conservative turn of the 70’s, and with Reagan. It’s a chicken and egg situation, it doesn’t have to be Plot of the Deep State to turn people into hysterics, who guard their home, womenfolk and children and believe every stranger (and even neighbor) is danger, but it is useful tendency to exploit via media, because a) it sells papers (tv, books, documentaries, podcasts…) and b) it put a finishing touch to the end of “commons” in the American collective imaginary. I think (and many others have pointed out) that there is a huge difference how Americans view their fellow people (suspiciously) versus people in similar (and also much poorer) countries. It’s a pretty good explainer why it’s so hard to organize the majority of Americans to demand universal rights, and much needed reforms in the criminal justice system, you can always counter that with “so you want PEDOs to run free?!?” It doesn’t matter that countries with much, much more lenient prison sentences and rehabilitating practices have much, much lower crime rate (also fro repeat offenders), America is Exceptional. Now, what is disappointing is seeing the supposed “socialist left” behave just as hysterically as liberals or conservatives. Facts, like the actual numbers of runaway kids or reported abuse, not even the studies by experts in the field stop mattering, when there’s a possibility for something far juicier. I think the reported (by Julie K Brown among others) crimes as such of Jeffrey Epstein are horrific and important as they are, and making stuff up diminishes them and makes them easier for the mainstream media to brush away. It is ironic that Chapo has at times been really good and analyzing this tendency (they had a really good ep on the satanic panic era, also the interview with the guy who wrote the great book CHAOS about Manson and the CIA - another Greta example how the establishment used an actual horrific crime to blow up the danger of Hippies and anything resembling anti establishment, whether or not they created Manson themselves), yet especially Matt C developed a very unironic Epstein Brain at times. (For instance, the Belgian government is not unable to function because of the revelations of the famous child abuse case there, but because of many many reasons that have little to do with “gladio style stay behind networks”). It’s myopic and it’s also too easy Ian explanation to everything that is wrong in the world. Also, peddling conspiracy theories on the left is just as good a selling point for your “content” as it is for the right, maybe even better because the left SHOULD be weary of the CIA and such, for very clear, factual and historical reasons. But again, the fact that Epstein got away with it as long as he did is enough to get mad at the establishment, you don’t need to add speculation. About Hillary eating babies. She doesn’t have to do that to be culpable of enabling monsters. I think the baby eating memes in fact make it easier for people like Les Wexner, Bill Bar, and yes, Bill Clinton to escape scrutiny. But I’m pretty happy with how they have reported on the actual court case and explained it’s limited scope to their audience.


a little Christmas song for the big dick cumboys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPhYKr-nqNA