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Friend of the show Slavoj Žižek stops by to discuss new political implications of the pandemic, advocate for conservative communism, praise Matt’s call for a new carnation revolution, and review Squid Game.

Žižek’s new book, Heaven in Disorder, is out now: https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/heaven-in-disorder/

Few tickets remain to our show this Wednesday in Buffalo, NY: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chapo-trap-house-tickets-201713088277

Ticket presales for our Southern Tour will be up on patreon.com/chapotraphouse 12/7 @ 10 am, then available to the general public Friday, 12/10 @ 10 am.




Invite Max Blumenthal on to talk about the effects of Covid lockdowns


The reason that Zizeck is basically wrong about just about everything in this is that his understanding is based on fact after fact that is simply wrong wrong wrong. That vaccinating the world with these "vaccines" could end the pandemic is simply not true. That it would be an ethically defensible thing to do relies on the faulty premise that the vaccines are safe, (wrong) and that covid is equally serious to all populations (wrong). The idea that India controlled their terrible outbreak through a combination of vaccination and local measures is wrong. They controlled it by giving everyone Ivermectin (except in Goa, which didn't control the pandemic). Yes, that would be the same Ivermectin that Japanese doctors started giving everyone enmass two weeks before covid "miraculously" disappeared from Japan. Yes folks, we could end this pandemic by giving everyone Ivermectin, but we're not allowed to prescribe it anymore because it's not profitable for the drug company's because it's not under patent. Because his analysis is based on so many faulty assumptions, he's basically just wrong about everything. He also seems to be under the (at this point frankly delusional) mistaken idea that anyone in the world lives in anything sufficently resembling a democracy that we have any say in what kind of government we get to have, and therefore that theorizing about what sort of government we should most want to move towards is anything other then mastabatory at this point. Personally, I'm not very interested in listening to Zizeck jerking himself off, but if that's your thing ,then knock yourselves out.


PS - before you deride me as a delusional nut re the vaccines and Ivermectin, I've been a registered nurse for over 20 years and I'm a qualified vaccinator, and I have been following the science, and reading, understanding and critiquing medical science/papers is part of the nursing scope of practise, so unless you've got a masters level qualification in biology or better, I don't want to hear your opinion about my opinions on the science, because your not qualified to have one.


Haters in the comment are pussies, Slavoj is an absolute king


when Zizek said “I love you” to Matt… I felt that


Brilliant. Y’all did a great job just staying out of his way and letting it bloom. One for the archives.


You're wrong. You're not even using you're vs your correctly. And you like Zizack are taking the side of neoliberal corporatism while thinking that you're on the left. YOU ARE WRONG, and also stupid


Zizek's a theorist. The fact he knows so much about US politics is frankly surprising and added plus. The people in these comments sound like homers complaining the national football announcer is out of touch with their team. Nah, you're just too close to it, dude.

Hector Jaime

Total lies. Somehow the people peddling ivermectin don’t want to profit. But this is why people warn not to look at the comments I guess.


"better an evil god than no god" is going to just rattle in my head for days

Dylan Tonkin

More movie references please. 9/10

aida beats

This was awesome, if someone could transcribe what Russian dude is saying I swear to got I will Venmo you a high single digit value of money