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We say farewell to Bari, talk about Jeff Sessions getting owned by sports, discuss the U.S. Army’s gamer grooming project, and Eat The Beans.






I just started listening to this podcast bc a friend recommended it to me. I agree with a lot of what they say about the failings of the US political system. And Bari Weiss is a big wiener who was not actually cancelled and just needs to go away. But when they talk about cancel culture on this show, it feels to me like whataboutism. Like, when a woman brings up sexual assualt statistics against women, there is always a man who says "but what about men getting sexually assaulted". Like, yeah, it's a problem, but you don't actually care, you're only bringing that up to distract from the bigger point I was trying to make. The Chapo team is always going on and on about ppl getting cancelled for a shit take they made from four years ago, which shouldn't happen of course. But they never talk about why "cancelling" arose in the first place - shitty predators like Chris Delia (most recently, of a VERY long list) who never EVER faced any consequences til everyone came forward. People who have repeated patterns of abuse deserve to be "cancelled", or at the very least brought to light that they are a POS so others can protect themselves or not support shitty behavior. You said yourself it doesn't do anything (most of these people are back at another job in a few months). So why are you always whining about it?


I think the basic pattern is that if you care extremely strongly on either side, you've already lost. i.e. if you're one of the people saying "Chris D'Elia is a HEROIC WARRIOR for FREE SPEECH being SILENCED by the MEDIA", you're a loser. But if you're one of the people for whom "We got Chris D'Elia kicked off Twitter for about six months" counts as victory, you're a way, way bigger loser.

Lara Sea

I recently discovered this podcast and I am randomly listening to older episodes and the whole EA Sports/ Army thing reminds me of the arrested development episode where Buster becomes a drone operator and becomes the “best one” (aka blows up what he is supposed to + then some, including innocent families). He is so proud of himself until he is told that he’s bombing real people halfway across the world. Turns out that is also how the Army/US military operates in real life 💀 damn.