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 We’re joined by Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi for a wide ranging conversation on things we shouldn’t talk about.

Read more from Matt here: https://taibbi.substack.com/



Kevin C

Shame this dickhead became just another useful idiot for rightwing demagogues, its funny as hell musk just tossed him aside once his hypocrisy and double standards rendered him useless

Stay Joking

Great episode. Probably won't be having Taibbi back on anytime soon but other than that this one aged like a fine wine


Have to say this is def the most cringe episode ever. Still mad luv but woah. Literally an insult to Angela Davis, civil rights movement n Black Panthers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lmao y’all breached your own dam with this dogshit, congrats on the past year since this, just absolutely dissolving any coherent media project you once had past the point of return