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Finishing our review of Aaron Sorkin’s screenwriting masterclass, we come to a somewhat stunning realization about the dramatic tragedy at the heart of the master himself.



Luke Rybuck

Man I miss Amber!

Russell Beatrous

Posting this here because there's no Patreon entry for episode 422, but holy fuck did Amber say some vile, Jordan Petersonesque bullshit in that episode. She claimed that all people are ultimately motivated by cruelty and the hunger to dominate others, that weakness is and should be seen as disgusting, and anyone who thinks otherwise is either lying or stupid.

Russell Beatrous

Put simply, this is twice reheated capitalist/fascist propaganda, fullstop. It is the rancid, unspeakable lie that Amber herfuckingself once acknowledged by saying that only socialism can make us human again. It is the logic of every shithead in ICE, every ghoul in Congress, and every oligarchic fuck stretching back through history.