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We once again return to the wellspring that is the Mind of Sorkin, this time giving a psychoanalysis of his life and career through his Masterclass on screenwriting. We begin with a brief history of how "Masterclass" came to be, a classically chapofied silicon valley story of weirdo tech grifters failing upward, video games, the bloody Tesco, and one of the most genuinely surreal audio clips we've ever played. Also, in a real jokers trick move, this week it's Chris that fucked up recording his audio over zoom. But he's only in this for like 2 minutes so it's fine.



Scot Forsythe

Never trust a mycoprotien

Scot Forsythe

“Weight is choice height is destiny” But be careful...The cyborg manifesto goes off the rails when the concept of what is “good” is separated from the body.