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Yeah But Still hosts Brandon Wardell and Jack Wagner stop by to give advice on America's youth and play political trading cards.

Listen to Yeah But Still:


The bad video:




America's youth is beyond repair, look at what they're writing about you for instance, some real schizo, Harry Potter/The Fan with Robert de Niro and Wesley Snipes crossover shit, pretty scary: <a href="https://medium.com/@nickwalther_65101/chapo-trap-house-is-a-gang-of-mudblood-beta-dementors-cucks-8d1c48955201" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://medium.com/@nickwalther_65101/chapo-trap-house-is-a-gang-of-mudblood-beta-dementors-cucks-8d1c48955201</a>

Dennis C.

It’s good to see that Chapo has the guts to bring back the intellectual heavyweight that is Brandon Wardell.

John Curtin

Is this our punishment for Matt getting plastered?


Worst ep ever

Hampus Bystrom

guys this was unlistenable

Kenneth Smith

This better not be Matt’s punishment


God no

Brandon Wardell

matt got banned for being drunk on twitch and he’s been replaced by me and jack forever. sorry guys


Can you drink on your puberty blockers ?

Kyle C

the chapo "wonks" won't be able to understand the particularly highbrow brand of humour the yeah, but still boys bring to the table


lmao I don't fucking think so

Spencer horne

Should I even listen to this?

Bryce King

Smoking with family is quality bonding time, these are facts


You can do better.

Bjorn Harlson

Matt Ox is the shit tho

Brent Johnson

Assuming that this was recorded on Wed and judging by Matt's on stream impersonation of the drinking bird he is very hungover.

Dylan Lowly

Get Brandon Wardell the fuck up outta here


how fucking dare you

Will Burley

Brandon is good I like him

Yeet yourself and everyone around you

This was funny and a good change up. Not every ep needs to be ZoroMattster coming down from the mountain fortelling doom (just every other one).

Marcus Rosen

this shit sucks major ass i hate it


I'm pleased the rest of the internet is getting to experience Goujon John : <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWREDus50zc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWREDus50zc</a>


you fucking put that gayass betacuck on this podcase GTFO

Jack Wagner

im not a big fan of felix either but there is no need for homophobia sir

Borki Balboa

Christman died for our sins the other day. We shall not see his like again

Les Doodis

Rich kid episode. *starts pounding table* MATT. MATT. MATT. MATT. MATT.


this was a huge improvement on the last Wardell ep


that video fuckin owns holy shit

Mike Penix

That west suburban chicago parent shit is real. Except for the time I smoked with my friends dad and he talked for 30 minutes about how soundgarden is the best band ever.


My seven year old neph has in fact been doing the floss dance. I definitely don't know what it means.

Louis Gramaticus

First episode I stopped after 20 mins. Not good.


i like everything about this episode except brandon

bingo bob

“Guys who are always light red and love rubbing you on the shoulder when they shake your hand.” Thank god felix was on this one

Hannah K.

this was so funny and i really likes it stop complaining u fags

Parker Sellers

I would play the fuck out of that game!!! Is the card game real? There could be some great enchantment cards too, like gerrymandering, and control of the media.


Brandon’s cute i’d eat his ass

Mike Mariano

Teen Party I was the first premium episode released after I joined. It made me feel old. Now I feel dead!

Man Hass

aw god xan's rap is like the opposite of respect

Sperm guy

47:07 love the pod fellas but the Felix Biederman character is so clearly "inspired by" kroll show's Big Liz I feel like you should be giving credit

Keller Warden

These comments are so wholesome because we are all paying fans and have nothing but love


I’m gen z and I love chapoopoo

Alex Wilson

Yeah But Still, This Ep Is Good.

John Williams

Holy shit. I read through some of these "Care and Feeding" letters and I think that I struck gold: "Before I even ever thought of being pregnant, I knew that I would name my first child Nikola Tesla, with the plan of having lots of nicknames to choose one that would fit them after they were born. I settled on Tes because no one would really guess the meaning, and it seemed gender-neutral. After my son was born, his dad told me it was important to him that he be called Nikola, so that’s what we did. After my son turned 6 months old, his dad and I split up and he decided to call him Niko (the nickname I most loved and wanted to use). Eventually I started alternating between Nikola and Niko with a few other pet names. Now our son is almost 2, and if you ask him his name or what he wants to be called, he says Tes. If you call him Tes, he lights up. This has been going on for a few weeks now. So do I call him Tes? Do I ask others to call him Tes? Do I send out a social media announcement? Do I talk to his dad before doing any of this?"


Ahahah I can imagine that Care and Feeding kid reenacting a scene from American History X


Shouts to Good Good Comedy Theatre! *airhorn* *airhorn* *airhorn*

Harriet Pooter

That kid who keeps shirking chores just needs to not have the option to make deals for "screen time". If the parents are so worried about their kid not caring about the family unit, it wasn't a smart move to commoditize his labour. Natch.


best part of that video is when lil xan says "garnished" instead of garnered. i love it when people try to use long words and just completely get it wrong

Ben Poop

I wanna know the bad thing Wardell did in LA to piss off the cum lads

Maxwell Harkness

i keep thinking about the cool N word dad

Andy Orsburn

I think it’s just as likely that Whitey’s murder was arranged by the FBI. He was released into general population and that was the last in a series of “mistakes” in how he was handled.