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We're joined by Slate staff writer Osita Nwanevu to call various people Nazis, talk about the one sided rules that govern "civility" in our discourse, and to gaze into the abyss of Trump's true base: rich old assholes in retirement compounds.



Robert Hoberman

Hannah Arendt in Eichmann in Jerusalem: "The troops of the Einsatzgruppen had been drafted from the Armed S.S., a military unit with hardly more crimes in its record than any ordinary unit of the German Army, and their commanders had been chosen by Heydrich from the S.S. élite with academic degrees. Hence the problem was how to overcome not so much their conscience as the animal pity by which all normal men are affected in the presence of physical suffering. The trick used by Himmler — who apparently was rather strongly afflicted by these instinctive reactions himself — was very simple and probably very effective; it consisted in turning these instincts around, as it were, in directing them toward the self. So that instead of saying: What horrible things I did to people!, the murderers would be able to say: What horrible things I had to watch in the pursuance of my duties, how heavily the task weighed upon my shoulders!"

Matthew Flaherty

Preparing to cringe my way through this one. My parents moved to the Villages a couple years ago. Haven't visited yet but I plan to. They aren't rich though, I'm not sure about the majority but I know they live there pretty affordably.

Chris McCarthy

Hell yeah, I have family in the Villages. It is literally a Baby Boomers ideal vision of America, like WWII propaganda come to life, but with strip malls.

Chris McCarthy

Also important to point out that most of the young and middle class people who live around The Villages in Ocala and Dunedin are also complete chuds.

Gary Alexander

I used to live near The Villages, and I have to take this opportunity to share my hatred for the fake colonial Spanish architecture generally, and this bridge specifically: <a href="https://twitter.com/grylxndr/status/1008813871065370624" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/grylxndr/status/1008813871065370624</a>

Lars Boschek

Felix calling out my soundcloud release plan 3 lmao


This episode is very poignant and relevant to the broader social attitudes forming outside a lot of your paid listeners immediate social circles, with regards to this immigration crisis. I think it would be helpful to make it public for sharing with friends and such who are struggling with how to contextualize this madness.

Juan Solis

That guy who loves the phrase "fake news" probably used to own a nfl hat. not of a team


Been waiting a long time to hear Osita go full irony bro. Nice.

Bjorn Harlson

lol my grandpa died in the villages, visited him once there, that place is a trip

Khai El Baba Jones

I agree with the esteemed Saint Thomas LeDoux's comment. Let this ep go free cause it's good and relevant. Something something Naomi Klein.

Wes Collier

Lol I listened to this in the villages, everything is true

Mike Smith

When I was in training classes for the local cable company in Central Florida, the instructor had a whole section of what to do if you’re sexually harassed by customers. A large number of those incidents occured in the villages. From horny old ladies to old dudes hovering nude behind technicians while they worked.


Garish media slogan that actually fits: Me Too generation vs Me Only generation


Great episode, though I must draw attention to Will's misuse of the phrase "begs the question." Do better, Will.

Frederick Von Drasek

...I think I've only made this comment one other time: put this on the Soundcloud page. It's one of the best...

realm lich

if you guys could try to get norman finkelstein on the show that would be sweet. cheers!


This episode is more proof that we need mandatory reeducation for anyone who plays golf


Unlock this one for the people, boys

Michael McLaughlin

Your migrant camp episode was good but your reading series analysis was dogshit. I travel with IBEW and the small towns that house power plants and electrical substations Aren’t exurbs. They’re small towns that have historic main streets and interesting Wikipedia pages. They prefer older local institutions and hate that the Walgreens replaced that restaurant

Marcos Rubios

aaaaaaaaaa Osita is awesome hell yeah

Professor Jokes

Pro tip when in DC stick to Ethiopian, Salvadorean and Vietnamese food. Pupusas kitfo and bahn mi. Thai crossing in shaw, sweet mango cafe, and go to the docks for sea food.

Sami James

I was born & raised in Appalachia & I used to feel bad for them....I don't anymore; Most of them have been wholly brainwashed. JFC Don Bankenship getting any votes at all should be a testament to that.

Justin Buell

I grew up in Gaithersburg next door to a Salvadorean family. Pork/cheese pupusas are great.

Ben Poop

Whoever's producing learn to use a compressor on these wobblemics

Jon Lyons

Felix's Shinra reference made me realize how ambivalent I am that a game I loved so much growing up basically came true.


This was a fantastic episode

Habib Rahman

Thanks for the excellent and relevant comment! It's not quite the same but there has been a really distasteful focus on the trauma experienced by drone warfare operators also, because it's very stressful to bomb families from an air-conditioned computer room.

Raphael Wakefield

Fresh off of shitting on Youngstown for no reason and not distinguishing between towns, small cities, and exurban hellscapes, Will apparently does not know that Fort Hamilton is in Brooklyn, not Staten Island. UES NIMBY alll the way.


Osita's audio was really soft early in the episode.


Re The Village reading: when laughter turns into helpless, existential horror. Ugh. We're fucked.


You'd think w/$100 k a month, they'd get decent audio and learn how to speak into a mike.

Jacob Levitan

Great episode. Hope you'll unlock so I can share.

Max Scherzer

Boss burger closed!! Chapo killed it!


yeah you guys should really release this one

Paul Sielski

A Ben Shapiro skin in Fortnight would be like some asshole picking Oddjob in Goldeneye multiplayer.

Maureen Murtha

The People need this episode