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We're back from our vacation to the Japanese suicide forest to start 2018 off right. In our first episode of the new year, we discuss the competing and rapidly evolving manias of online politics. We relate how #TheResistance has morphed into the #tcots of yesteryear through the lens of their newest inanity, Knitting-gate, and then how #tcot has also moved into outright insanity through the newly evolved #pizzagate conspiracy, which has now blossomed into something called #Qanon. We also check in on old favorites Peter Daou, Eric Garland and examine the career of young gun and Hillary mother-boy, Adam Parkhomenko.



I'm a PC

I feel like y'all have it backwards on Trump's masculinity. Sure, he exhibits all these negative stereotypes of queer people, but that doesn't define masculinity to most Americans. The reason he "gets to" behave like that while queer people are bullied for it is because he projects all the "Important" aspects of being an American patriarch. He's wealthy, "patriotic," cruel, and loves the troops and use of violent force. That's what makes you a "real man" in America.

Bryan Cox

Does it seem to anyone else that Qanon is like weird pro-Trump version of Louise Mensch?

j. biggs

That's exactly what it is, an inverted version of the #Resistance fantasy, right down to the trust in Robert Mueller to fix everything. MAGA chuds = wine moms


Amazing ep. very Interesting