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4 years ago, today, we launched The Delta Flyers. We had no idea where it would take us, but the journey has been one that none of us could have imagined.

And you, our Patreon supporters, are the magic behind it all. Without you, the podcast would not be sustainable. From your monetary contribution to your encouraging comments to the beautiful community you've helped create, we owe you our deepest thank you.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, we're excited to see where it will take us in the next 4 years!



Beth Lynn Nolen

I only recently discovered The Delta Flyers (back in January, I think) when I was looking for something to listen to while crafting and commuting to work, and I was hooked from the first episode. It feels like I'm hanging out with y'all while I work on my crochet projects or drive to work, and I love hearing about what it was like behind the scenes on Voyager. Heck, I even bought the poetry book! :D Thank you, Robbie and Garrett, for four years of The Delta Flyers - and here's to many more!

Yule Tide

May 4th? The date used by Star Wars fans. "May the fourth ("force") be eith you". Did they choose the May 4th, 2020 date intentionally?