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We will be having a Wrap Party near the end of the DS9 Podcast.
The wrap party will likely occur in the spring/summer of 2027. We do not yet have a date/time/location, or any details.

The timeframe may not allow us to have it in Vegas, as we did with the Voyager wrap party. But every effort will be made to make it a convenient travel location. The location will be in the United States.

Admirals and Prophets will be able to attend if they meet the requirements below.

The qualification would work on a point system. Being a member of the Prophet tier would get you 2 points per month. And being at the Admiral tier would get you 1 point per month. And to qualify you would need to accumulate a total of 28 points between May 2024 and the end of our DS9 podcast in spring/summer 2027. So if you are a Prophet for 5 months during that time and have 10 points, but drop to Admiral, you would then need to get an additional 18 points as an Admiral to qualify.

Additionally, you have to be at the Admiral or Prophet level for 4 months consecutively, in the lead-up to the party. For example, if the party is in June 2027, you would need to be at the Admiral or Prophet level from February 2027 through May 2027 consecutively. (Those dates mean nothing and are only an example, please do not make plans off these dates.) And the 4 months leading up to the wrap party will count towards your points. You must also attend a minimum of 12 Zooms to qualify. A minimum of 6 with Garrett and 6 with Robbie. This gives us sufficient time to get to know each other before the party.

In summary, to attend, you must have 28 accumulated points between May 2024 and the month before the wrap party. You need to be at the Admiral or Prophet level in the 4 months leading up to the party. And you have to attend a minimum of 6 Zooms with Robbie, and a minimum of 6 Zooms with Garrett.

We will have a spreadsheet, viewable by everyone at the Admiral or Prophet tier, that will keep track of your points so that you can easily look at it and see where you are at any time.

No guests will be allowed to attend with an Admiral or Prophet unless the Admiral or Prophet is under 21 or disabled and requires a travel companion.

Armin and Terry have agreed to attend as well. Robbie, Garrett, Armin, and Terry’s attendance is subject to availability, but all will make their best efforts to attend. But not all are guaranteed to attend.

Admirals and Prophets are responsible for their own travel expenses.

Estimated plans will be made 1 year before the party. Final plans will be made 6 months before the date of the party.



Fantastic idea! Love that your making such a personal investment in those higher tiers, really creates an incentive. Hope you have many attenders and hope I get a raise so I can join in! Though if I met any of you in person I’d likely faint, freeze, or both.


Cool benefit. Thank you.