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Chapter 4 - Asserting Dominance  

Sarah rustled in her slumber, still completely bare naked, covered in her own wetness, having her last orgasm stained all over her bed, soaking into the sheets. Her thick and curvaceous body was so close to her older sister’s now it was shocking. She had gained over forty pounds in each of her giant breasts alone, and the rest of her hourglass shape was even more tantalizing. Her butt had grown round and supple, wide and bubbly, it was huge. Leaving a visible shape laying down pressing against her bed. She rolled to her side, squishing together her massive breasts, creating a massive curvy line of cleavage, still quietly slumbering. Suddenly a sound rang out slowly opening her eyes. The front door opened, hearing footsteps approaching. Sarah was startled, jumping to her feet, suddenly falling off her bed with a loud crash. Emily jumped, bouncing her breasts nearly out of her new bra, before shouting out loud.

“Sarah?! Are you okay?” Emily was concerned.

She rushed to her door, knocking before rattling the door knob, realizing it was locked. 

“Oh! I’m fine, I’m fine. I just…woke up.” Sarah admitted.

“Seriously? Ugh! I should’ve known you were just sleeping all day. Open the door, please.” Emily demanded. 

“Uh…just…uh…can you give me a second?” Sarah asked politely.

“Can you just open the door, I have to show you something.” Emily asked again.

“Can it wait?” Sarah barked back.

“Sarah! Just open it!” Emily began to lose her patience.

“Fine!” Sarah stomped over to the door, swinging it open.

“What the fuck! Sarah, put on some….clothes…oh my god.” Emily changed tune.

Suddenly looking forward and noticing Sarah had grown again. Sarah had grown a lot. They were only an inch apart now, looking over at her amber eyes, now just a little bit below her own, feeling the extreme difference in perspective left Emily speechless. Her sky-blue eyes only grew wider, looking down at her breasts up against Sarah’s now equally huge double G-cup breasts, starting to panic. Sarah saw the look plastered on her face, hearing her let out a cute annoyed scoff before responding in a sultry mocking tone.

“Oh yeah, I grew some more, look at my tits! They’re HUGE!” Sarah smiled pushing them against Emily’s tits, pressing them together in a tight squishy hug.

Emily was still shell-shocked, letting her younger, now much larger and bustier sister, hug her tightly. Sarah was thrilled, seeing her height beside her older sister being so close now, she was certain she would outgrow Emily by the end of the night, if not by tomorrow morning, knowing she still had about six handfuls of the dried orchid left. She grinned devilishly again, feeling the familiar warmth begin to return to her slowly. Emily felt her body trembling in her arms, slowly letting out a soft moan as Sarah began to grow all at once.

“Sarah! Let go of me!” Emily demanded.

Sarah wouldn’t let go. Emily couldn’t stop her, she tried, escaping her grip, but she had grown nearly as strong and as big as her, struggling to push her away. Sarah started to shake, suddenly gaining size and weight, growing bigger and taller. Her head rose upward, growing bigger, as Emily’s eyes went wide in horror. Rising up another inch as she began to match Emily’s size, height, and even her weight. 

“Oh god…you’re…as tall as me now. “ Emily reeled.

“Mmm…that means I’m already 5’7…that’s not enough for me.” Sarah cooed.

Feeling Sarah’s grip getting even tighter as she looked down, seeing her two bare breasts, squished up against her own massive cleavage, started to grow again. Sarah’s two tits grew and expanded, growing fuller, softer, and even larger, making a large visible curve around her sister’s huge breasts, outgrowing them.

“Yes! My tits are actually bigger than yours now, haha!” Sarah giggled.

“What the fuck is happening?! How are you getting taller? This is insane!” Emily shouted.

“I’m as big as you now…but…i still want more…is that selfish?” Sarah grinned, feeling another wave of warmth rushing all over her bountiful bodice.

“I think that's crazy! Tell me what the fuck is going on, right now!” Emily shouted.

Sarah’s grin only grew wider. She started to send waves of jiggles throughout her body, letting go of her now shorter sister. Emily nearly fell over, being pushed away by her growing sister as she began to roll her eyes back in pure ecstasy. Sarah started to grow again. Feeling the intense sensation of incoming growth like opening a running faucet. She started to fill out, her hips growing wider as her ass grew even more ludicrously luscious gaining size and volume growing even more bubbly. She smiled devilishly down at her for the first time, now standing at a triumphant 5’8 tall. 

“Oh fuck.” Emily cursed.

“What's wrong? Mmm…” Sarah cooed.

Slowly becoming taller, bustier, and bigger than her older sister. She let out a long sexual moan, as the rest of her curves began to grow even more ludicrously luscious. She could feel her entire body rumbling with growth, transforming into a proto-amazon bursting forth big juicy curves. Emily couldn't stand the newer much bigger sight of her younger, once short and petite sister. Sarah was now taller, bustier, and more attractive than her. She was furious. Trying to hide her anger as she now quickly began to realize her younger sister outgrew her, and she couldn't do much to stop her without knowing what was happening. 

“Well…so are you happy now?” Emily crossed her arms pushing together her tremendous cleavage.

“Mmm…yeah…I guess so. For now.” Sarah smirked, measuring her hand over her head again to double check her height against her older sister.

“What does that mean? You aren't growing anymore, are you?” Emily looked worried.

Starting to get nervous imagining her growing another few inches to six feet tall and dominating her like she used to control Sarah. A true nightmare began to form in her mind, trying to escape the idea that her sister was already taller and more stronger than her.

“You'll see.” Sarah smiled, before turning toward her bedroom waltzing off without any explanation.

“Sarah! Come back here!” Emily demanded.

“Whatever, shortie.” Sarah laughed.

Bouncing and swaying her wide hips as she entered her room and locked the door. 

“Bitch.” Emily cursed again.

She was furious. Emily couldn't believe the lack of respect. She stormed out of the living room and into the kitchen, pacing back and forth nervously. She stopped suddenly looking on the table seeing an empty mug. She picked it up giving it a smell, immediately recognizing the floral scent from before, her eyes widened in shock. 

“She's drinking the flowers…what the fuck.” Emily scoffed. 

Sarah was elated. She had finally won. She was taller, bustier, and sexier than her older sister. And not just that, she was right, Emily had been so demanding and asserting her authority day in and day out. Sarah wouldn't allow it any longer. Now she would be asserting her dominance. She quickly snatched up her yoga pants, pulling them over her legs immediately noticing just how much taller she had grown. 

“Wow. Damn.” Sarah smiled, blushing looking down at her tremendous thighs breaking through small pockets of her tight pants.

None of her clothing fit, her yoga pants were starting to tear apart down by her thighs, wearing them like a pair of skin tight shorts. She slipped on her bra, seeing the difference was astronomical, her old bra was like a sweatband barely covering both her nipples that were like two large soft gumballs, surrounded by an ocean of jiggly and bouncy breasts. She giggled, pulling an old shirt over her voluptuous curves seeing it riding just above her nipples, wearing it like a halter top, her waist and half of her huge tits sticking out for anyone to see.

She stomped up to Sarah's bedroom, mug in hand, knocking loudly outside her door.

“Sarah. We need to talk.” She said assertively.

“Yeah? Or what?” Sarah snapped at her.

“Did you bring that flower inside?” Emily questioned her.

“No.” Sarah lied.

“Then why does this cup smell like that fucking flower?” Emily cursed.

Suddenly things went silent. Then the door opened. Emily was greeted again by her taller sister, looking up at her amber colored eyes just an inch above her own.

“So you figured it out, huh? Yeah, I've been making tea with the orchid petals, and they're amazing!” Sarah exclaimed.

Emily stood there for a moment, before Sarah suddenly snatched the cup out of her hand. 

“Hey! Sarah!” Emily shouted.

“There you go again.” Sarah twisted her large fluffy lips into a pout.

“What?” Emily was confused.

Sarah let out a long sigh. She motioned back to her desk, placing down her mug before turning back to her fuming sister.

“You sound just like mom. You keep telling me what to do, when to eat, and you make an agenda including both of us without even asking me. I'm sick of it.” Sarah explained.

“Oh…” Emily was embarrassed.

She stood there for a moment, feeling awkward, thinking back to the past few days. She felt guilty and upset at herself for not considering her feelings. 

“Look. If I give you some to try yourself, will you stop acting like her? It's really starting to get to me and I can't take it anymore. I've had so much fun growing and I want to grow with you too!” Sarah smiled, cupping her two massive breasts and squeezing them together.

“Okay…” Emily said reluctantly.

“Awesome! Oh you're going to love it.” Sarah started looking excited.

“I really don't want to though, if my tits get any bigger, I won't be able to go to work.” Emily sighed.

“Forget about that stupid diner! We're both going to grow into goddesses! You'll be able to get any job you want.” Sarah exclaimed.

“Ugh. This is such a terrible idea. But fine, only once though, I'm not going to make it a habit to drink this all the time.” Emily scoffed.

“Okay! Well you might change your mind after you try it, come on, let's go make two cups right now.” Sarah was thrilled.

Grabbing her container and her mug, and bouncing toward Emily, standing in the doorway. The two of them entered the kitchen, Emily sat down, feeling her bra pinching her under her arms, adjusting herself, Feeling uncomfortable. Sarah happily brewed the tea, making sure to give herself three big handfuls this time, practically half the mug was full of the potent orchid, while Emily's mug was just a single handful. She waited until the kettle got warm, taking her time muddling down each of the flower petals releasing it's liquids into the tea, breaking down its fibers to ensure maximum flavor and potency. 

“Okay! It's ready. Drink up, you're going to need it if you want to catch up to me, haha!” Sarah sat down beside her, placing her low dose tea down by her, starting to sip her triple strength cocktail. 

She drank down a bit more, looking over at Emily who wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as she was, seeing her hesitation. 

“Ugh. Okay fine, I'll try it.” Emily lifted the mug and took a sip.

She smiled for a moment, tasting its delicate floral hints and lovely rose flavor before responding with another sip.

Sarah didn't want to rub it in. She just smiled, drinking another big gulp of her tea, starting to feel warmer as her much stronger tea began to already affect her. She tried not to moan. Feeling her pussy start to ache and get wet between her thick thighs. She was getting used to it though, the aphrodisiac-like side effect of the rare flower began to become normal for Sarah. She simply blushed turning bright red as her precious passion ran down her inner thigh. 

“So…did you take the day off?” Sarah asked, trying to distract herself. 

“Fuck. I have to call in sick…again…none of my bras fit anymore, and I kept spilling out of my top.” Emily blushed, feeling embarrassed.

“Oh my god, haha! Sorry.” Sarah laughed, catching herself before upsetting her sister.

“I went to the store though. I bought so much stuff. It was expensive, but worth it.” Emily responded, taking another sip.

A small silence occurred between them. Hearing the sound of the chirping of birds, the swaying of the trees, and the light spring breeze. It was calming, soothing, and relaxing. Paired with the tea everything seemed so perfect, for just a few moments before the storm. 

“So, did you do anything exciting today?” Emily asked, trying to remain calm.

“Well, I found out that the flower can make you grow, like all over, bigger and bustier…way bustier.” Sarah started to tremble slightly, holding back her urges.

“Hmm…I feel…kind of funny. Is that normal?” Emily asked, moving her fingers across her bounty of cleavage.

“Yeah…it actually…can get…pretty intense.” Sarah let out a soft moan.

Her thick thighs clasped together under the table, trying her best to keep her composure. Her hand dug into her thigh, her other hand shakily drinking the rest of her powerful dose of the potent tea. Slowly starting to unravel as her tight clothing began to stretch further apart. Sarah began to grow, absorbing the flower's mysterious nutrients already filling up and outwards yet again. Her body pulsed, growing taller another inch to 5’9, and then followed by a loud ripping sound accompanied by her massive ass bulged outwards atop her seat. Her huge ass grew larger and larger practically engulfing the seat beneath her, blushing hard as she bit down on her luscious lower lip. Then her breasts suddenly began to expand, growing up against her small shirt that once fit her only a few days prior to her rapid growth spurts. Her shirt rose up and up as her growing breasts revealed her aching nipples.

“Oh yes! Bigger! I love the feeling, god, I want more!” Sarah exclaimed.

Moving her lips back to her cup drinking down the rest of her powerful potion, starting to moan louder and lick her large lips off every last drop. Emily watched in horror as she started to feel the same effects start to tingle and tremble across her skin. She blushed feeling her nipples start to ache and get highly sensitive. Letting out a soft moan as she stared across the table at her sister who had begun swelling even more, becoming ludicrously large, her two breasts growing bigger and bigger. She could hardly concentrate as she too began to feel her vagina ache as her clitoris began to throb out of control. 

“Damn it Sarah…” Emily finally gave into her desires.

Moving her hands down to her large breasts starting to slowly move more sensually, licking her lips and looking down at her mug only half of it was gone. 

“You should've warned me sooner, before I drank so much of it.” Emily whined, feeling her entire body getting extremely sensitive.

She looked over at Sarah, now visibly squeezing her two breasts together as she moaned louder than before, still growing larger. Sarah's long legs stretched and grew outward quickly pushing against the table as she grew taller and taller. Her breasts ballooned in size, quickly outgrowing the rest of her shirt as it tore off her chest and onto the floor.

“Sorry…mmm…but it feels so good!” Sarah exclaimed.

Letting out another emaciated moan as her two huge breasts spilled out onto the table, growing into massive H-cups each as big as a bowling ball. She whined loudly, feeling her soaking wet vagina about to erupt in her seat, feeling the edges of her chair digging into her big round ass smothering it. She grew taller again as another growth spurt sent her up another inch to 5 '10, starting to transform, getting closer with every growing spurt to becoming an amazon. Sarah was growing faster than before, at an alarming rate, she quickly outgrew the rest of her already small clothes. Everything tore to shreds as her huge body grew larger. Growing thicker and heavier, more bountiful and curvaceous.

“Oh my god…Sarah you're getting really big.” Emily gulped nervously.

Her eyes wandered toward the rest of her tea, before snatching it up and drinking the rest down with haste. Emily didn't want to lose, she had to grow bigger, if at least to match her younger sister, she had to drink more. Emily felt the back of her throat burn as the hot tea splashed down her throat, coating her mouth and luscious lips. Her throat bulged, drinking down the rest, then letting out a satisfied moan. Her heart started beating faster, feeling the effects of her standard dosage begin to hit her for the first time. Her breathing grew more rapid, her heart raced as her body started to shake and quiver. Her pussy was soaking wet, dripping and oozing her wetness all over her inner thighs and onto the seat below her unable to focus. Her lovely sky blue eyes rolled back as she rested her tongue opening her mouth wide. She moaned loudly, quaking with an intense desire to pleasure herself. 

“Now…that was intense. Emily…are you okay?” Sarah looked worried, still feeling her body tingling and getting hotter.

Sarah looked over at her sister, now visibly drooling, keeping her fluffy lips wide open, breathing heavily as her body went into a sexual frenzy. Emily started to grow. Her breasts expanded against her bra, bulging over it as they grew heavier and even more bountiful. Her nipples were like two hard bullets, rubbing and pressing tightly against her big bra. Her thighs began to ripple with growth, gaining size and thickness as her legs grew longer to match. Her already tremendous ass filled up even bigger, bulging against her panties, still overflowing them as it grew and grew, just barely containing it, spilling through its edges. Her entire body then rumbled suddenly gaining an inch of height as she grew taller to 5 '8. Emily had grown substantially considering she had just one cup of the potent tea. 

“She's growing bigger now too.” Sarah thought.

Wondering how much she herself would grow off this last triple strength brew she just consumed, still feeling the same familiar sensations all rushing throughout her bubbling bodice. She blushed, feeling her pussy start to ache even more, the heat and intense sensitivity was getting unbearable. Sarah started to sweat, her clitoris throbbing like crazy, trying her best not to give into her cravings. The temptation was surmounting looking over at her sister starting to slowly lose herself, massaging her breasts and grabbing and squeezing them.

“Why does it…feel so good?” Emily moaned.

Unable to stop her hands from groping and fondling her massive breasts, teasing herself by plucking her swollen nipples with her fingertips. Letting out louder moan after moan as her vagina erupted with a sudden orgasm. She shook, trying to stop her hands from making her body go wild, motioning down to her vagina to feel just how sticky and wet she had become. Emily had made a mess all over her serving outfit. Her stockings were torn and covered in her own wetness. Her panties were soaked and her hot passion had run down her soft supple thighs. She let out a long sigh, slowly coming back to reality as she sat back up in her chair.

“Wow…you were not kidding about the intensity. That was…amazing.” Emily admitted, blushing hard.

“That is so great to hear, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'm going to get some stuff done, I'll catch you later, little sis’. Sarah giggled, standing up at her new full height.

“Cut that out, I'm not short at all, I just grew again, come on, check my height.” Emily demanded, standing up.

Her face immediately changed from confidence into fear, seeing Sarah's body now two inches taller than her own. She stepped toward her, feeling her heart sink as she heard Sarah laugh out loud. 

“You're even shorter now!” Sarah giggled looking down at her a bit lower than before.

Emily was starting to get worried. Her younger sister had grown again, now starting to outgrow her even more and there was nothing she could do about it. Sarah wasn't going to stop anytime soon either, knowing she had another three big handfuls of the flower petals left to grow even bigger. Emily started to imagine her sister growing even bigger, taller and even more ludicrously luscious gaining inch after inch outgrowing her in spades. She imagined Sarah towering over her growing into a six foot tall model, and then growing bigger and bigger another half a foot taller staring down at her watching her rise upwards.

“Hey…are you okay? Come on, I didn't mean to upset you, it's just really fun being this big.” Sarah blushed, seeing Emily quickly snapping her eyes back up at her.

“Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to get more comfortable.” Emily said reluctantly, moving out of the kitchen.

Emily raced down the hallway, feeling anxious and outclassed. She quickly entered her bedroom, closing the door behind her. 

“God damn it, she's still getting bigger. I don’t have a choice, I have to keep this stuff away from her.” Emily cursed, looking down at the container full of the magical flower.

Emily felt bad, knowing she had stolen from her sister, but really it was for her own good. Or so she thought. She tapped her fingers nervously knowing her sister would soon find out, opening it and looking down at the fluffy purple petals, starting to hatch a growing plot. 

“She’s going to find out soon, maybe I could…just eat it?” She wondered. 

Looking down at the petals, biting her lip, she quickly plucked a handful up and stuffed it into her mouth past her luscious lips. She chewed for a moment, tasting its bitter sweetness, and strange floral notes, before swallowing it with ease.

“Mhm…it’s not half bad…mmph…I’ll just make sure she can’t have anymore…” 

A wide devilish smile crossed her lips before stuffing more and more past her big fluffy lips.

Sarah sighed, looking over at the counter, thinking about making herself another cup. She looked around for a moment before her eyes widened, noticing the container was gone, immediately starting to panic. She raced down the hallway, bouncing like crazy, nearly falling over, getting adjusted to her new size. 

“Emily! Did you take my box?!” Sarah banged on the bedroom door furiously.

There was no response. 

“Emily! Open the door!” She shouted again.

Still nothing. Sarah started to get nervous, hearing a shuffling from behind the door starting to get louder. A haunting stillness kept Sarah's rising anxiety soaring through the roof. She was practically shaking from fear, her heart felt like it was beating out of her tantalizing chest. She nearly jumped as the door slowly opened. 

“Hey sis'” Emily looked up at her brown eyes and smiled.

“Emily! Why did you take it? Give it back!” Sarah reached down and snatched it from her hands.

“It doesn't matter anymore. Take your little box.” Emily giggled.

It was empty. Not a single petal was left for Sarah, as Emily looked back at her and started to feel warm and tingly all over her voluptuous curves. 

“Where's the rest? What did you–” Sarah was cut off.

“I ate them, so you can stop acting like a…sex crazed…growth obsessed maniac…fuck…” Emily's voice trailed off.

Starting to motion her hands over her humongous breasts, squeezing and playing with them. She felt the edges of her bra strain again as her massive bust only grew more titanic. She tried to hide her incredible horniness from her sister, clenching together her legs and avoiding touching herself, starting to struggle. 

“You did what…why didn't I think of that?” Sarah said in disappointment.

“I don't know…but I feel…so good…you need to get out of my room, right now.” Emily began to rumble again asserting her dominance.

“What the fuck! You should be apologizing to me! Not the other way around!” Sarah argued.

“Get out!” Emily shouted.

Emily tried to push her out, getting blocked by her larger body and massive breasts. She giggled looking down at her, holding her off with a moderate amount of effort. 

“Ugh! Sarah!” Emily shouted.

“No! You've gone too far this time!” Sarah shouted back, refusing to leave her bedroom.

Emily started to get annoyed. Her body began to rumble with growth, suddenly shooting up an inch taller pushing her back with more strength. And it didn't stop there, Sarah watched as she quickly rose up again another inch taller suddenly matching her in size. Her breasts billowed outwards growing another cup size larger now matching Sarah's ludicrously large lady lumps. Emily grew and grew, quickly contesting her as she pushed back with far more power than before. 

“Emily! Stop! Augh!” Sarah screamed.

She was thrown onto the floor, listening to the sounds of ripping clothing and the snapping of her sister's bra as she continued to grow bigger. She quickly outmatched Sarah's strength as she grew even taller, another inch of height and a few dozen pounds of weight as her giant body expanded and grew even bigger. Sarah was powerless, she tried to fight her, but it was no use. Emily continued to grow and grow bigger and bigger until she had undergone a powerful growth spurt unlike either of them had seen before. Her breasts billowed outwards growing bigger and fuller, gaining several cup sizes larger within seconds filling up before her bra snapped off completely. Her thighs grew and expanded bursting free from her stockings. Then came her waist bulging and expanding against her dress bottom, tearing off and falling to the floor. The rest of her clothing remained destroyed and otherwise riddled with holes and torn apart bits and shreds of fabric still caught between her curves. 

“Oh my god…that was so intense.” Emily could hardly breathe.

Her two huge thighs were planted on Sarah's legs, smothering her chest with her own now humongous J-cup breasts. They were gigantic, each double the size of an average man's head, and probably weighed close to twenty pounds each. She could hardly move, still feeling the looming feeling of intense sexual desire paired with a strange horny euphoria she couldn't think properly. The raw orchid when confused was extremely potent. Much stronger than any tea she had produced, still being slowly digested. Emily finally stood up, getting off her sister as she began to realize just how much she had grown. 

“Wow…I grew a lot.” Emily was almost speechless.

Sarah slowly got up, noticing the height difference immediately. Emily had grown three inches already, standing at 5 '11, her breasts having grown over two cup sizes already into giant J-cups, she had quickly outgrown her younger sister. Sarah pouted her thick fluffy lips looking up at her eyes now just an inch higher than her own standing at 5 '10 tall and with a lovely luscious H-cup bust, she still felt outclassed. Both women however had grown substantially, each of them was well over the average height of women around their hometown of Windy Springs, and both of them were over half a foot taller now than most women. However, Emily wasn't done growing yet.

“Goodnight little sister.” Emily grinned devilishly looking down at her, starting to giggle.

“Ugh. Goodnight.” Sarah scoffed, closing her door sharply.

Emily smiled wider. She had finally won. The door closed behind her, slowly moving her hands down to the shreds of her clothing leftover, starting to tear each little piece off one by one. She was turning herself on, snapping her panties off with a loud rip, then tearing off her dress around her chest throwing It across the room. She felt like an animal in heat, a roaring tigress ready to pounce. She climbed into her bed, moving her long arms towards the nightstand as her giant breasts shook and jiggled. She spread her thunderous thighs apart, moving her hands toward her dildo. She sighed seeing its size now a bit smaller than before, realizing that she had grown five more inches, nearly half a foot taller.

“I guess I have grown a lot. I can still feel it too. I'm going to grow again soon…” Emily smiled, clasping her hands around her dildo, and pressing it against her throbbing clit. 

She moaned loudly, quaking with pleasure, resisting the urge to orgasm right then and there. Her thick thighs shook as she slid the tip of the shaft against the lips of vagina , nearly sliding in, taking her time to motion it back and forth a few times, before slipping it inside of her. Her voice only grew louder, feeling the intensity of the raw flower at the height of its potency. Her entire body shook, still getting closer to the most intense orgasm of her lifetime. She edged closer and closer when suddenly it started to happen again. Emily started to grow. She rumbled with growth, expanding and gaining size within moments of the intensity of her orgasm reaching its peak. She came hard, gaining size and inches of growth as she rose up and over six feet tall, growing bigger and bigger. Rumbling and quaking, shaking and trembling her skin flushed while her body expanded, growing into an amazon goddess in size.

“Holy fuck! That felt…incredible...mmm…I'm really sleepy though…mmm” Emily let out a long sigh before falling into a deep slumber.

Sarah pouted. Looking at her bed and back at the bedroom door. 

“That fucking bitch. I can't believe she stole the rest of it. She didn't even share.” Sarah thought. 

Sarah was seriously annoyed. Her older sister had taken advantage of her generosity, even though she had given herself much more than her sister, the act of theft was cruel. Especially as the older sister, who should know better than to steal from her younger sibling. She paced back and forth seething and jiggling. Her luscious body still bouncing and swaying with her humongous assets endlessly bouncing up and down and around her chest. She sighed, knowing that Emily would probably grow even more before tomorrow morning, hoping she would at least grow a bit as well. Sarah couldn't hold a grudge for long. She was soft-hearted and knew that her older sister would always be a good protector and advocate for her, even if it meant she wanted to be the tallest and strongest of the two of them.

“I wonder how much she will grow? I hope I grow bigger too.” Sarah said before dozing off into a deep sleep.

The night passed slowly as the two girls had been consuming a fair amount of the special orchid flower. Sarah had several piles of the potent petals herself, still gaining size and growing overnight. Her luscious body gained more thickness and curves around the hourglass figure she had already grown so far. Her ass bubbled up larger and wider becoming quite luscious and massive. Her thighs joined in as her waist widened to match her extreme thickness. Her breasts continued to expand and grow gaining another inch of diameter growing heavier and even more luscious. Her whole body began to stretch longer, growing exponentially and equally all over gaining another few inches, growing taller and taller, rising up and over six feet tall.

Emily on the other hand was still gaining size, she billowed outwards growing bigger and bigger as the raw orchid flower continued to digest in her stomach. The slow release of the potent petals began to rumble inside of her making her bloom with growth. Her legs grew thicker and longer, gaining thickness and size, her thunderous thighs grew to match growing bigger and bigger. Her humongous ass grew even more enormous, slowly becoming more round and insanely juicy. She rose taller and taller gaining a few more inches added to her already sizable height now growing into a real-life-sized amazon. She quickly ascended upward, growing off the bed into a towering nearly six and a half foot tall goddess. She let out a long sigh still sleeping as the rest of her huge body slowly tapered out in its massive growth spurt. The sun rose in the distance over the house and garden house. Today would be an even bigger day than the last.

Chapter 5 - Doom and Bloom

The bright summer sun shined down on Windy Springs, the crops by the field were blooming, flowers were dancing in the hot lofty wind, everything seemed perfect. Out in the garden back at the house on the hill, something peculiar was happening. The roots from the orchid had dug deep into the soil surrounding the various herbs and nearby flowers. The orchid had bloomed again, restoring its petals and gently sending its potent pollen all over the garden enriching the soil. Things had begun to grow, much more than before, a simple parsley bush now doubled in size and could be used as a backscratcher, a long dill root was more the size of a roadway fern, it was ludicrously large. Their garden began to change, growing bigger and fuller, flowers like tulips looked like lightbulbs in size, a common daisy was now the size of a dinner plate. The whole garden had grown, and that wasn't the only thing growing. Sarah awoke inside with excitement in her voice.

“Oh…I grew some more!” Sarah exclaimed.

Standing up at her new full height. She was astonished, immediately noticing she had grown several inches in her deep slumber, she had grown more than any night previous to this one major growth spurt overnight Sarah couldn’t believe that just a few days ago she was barely 5 ‘2, and had grown an entire foot taller. She giggled standing at her new height of 6 ‘2 feet tall, smiling down at her massive breasts, two quite luscious H-cups.

“Ugh…what time is it?” Emily motioned her huge hand over to her nightstand looking for her phone.

She picked it up, holding it in her hands, blinking for a moment, slightly confused. “Have the buttons always been this small? I keep accidentally hitting random things…” Emily was starting to get nervous, slowly putting her phone down and letting out a long sigh. Emily was once a 5’7 bombshell, and now standing up to her new dominating height, she suddenly felt powerful. She was huge, now standing at a powerful 6 ‘5 tall, just about the height of the doorframe. Her eyes widened looking down at her absolutely gigantic body towering over most of the furniture in her bedroom. She stomped over to her bedroom door, bending down slightly to avoid bumping her head, and knocked on Sarah's bedroom door.

“Sarah…are you awake yet?” Emily asked gently. 

“Yeah, good morning!” Sarah exclaimed, excited to see her sister and show off her growth.

Sarah's mood dampened. She opened the door only to see her humongous breasts casting a shadow down a couple inches taller than her.

“Good morning!” Emily exclaimed in response. 

Emily was already loving her new size. Seeing Sarah down closer to the height of her lips made her feel older and more mature. She couldn't shake the idea that she had to be taller than her little sister. The idea of growth ironically began to grow on her, wondering if that orchid was still growing or if she had actually caused enough damage to halt its process. Emily started to hatch a scheme, quickly asking her sister for a favor.

“Hey, can you make breakfast? I'll bring in some stuff from the garden.” Emily offered.

“Oh. Okay. No problem.” Sarah nodded, still tired.

“Great, I'll see you in a second.” Emily smiled, turning back to her door and ducking under it slightly again.

“God damn it. She's so fucking tall!” Sarah thought.

Sarah was teeming with jealously stomping into the kitchen. She took her time to take out a bowl, starting to crack several eggs with an annoyed scowl across her face. Emily stepped outside and almost fainted. The garden was growing strong, better than ever in fact, all of the vegetables, herbs and flowers had grown in size. The tomatoes and peppers were huge and juicy, the herbs were long and flourishing against the tall flora beside them. Emily had never seen anything like it before, even at her size some of the vegetables seemed daunting to cook with, but she didn't care. She grabbed a wicker basket and began plucking several massive round red tomatoes each the size of a cantaloupe. 

“What the fuck…this is insane. I can't wait to try them!” Emily was excited.

She went to the huge boomerang sized peppers ripe and ready for the picking, she plucked a few big peppers and began to go for the herb patch. It had overgrown into a veritable small forest patch, wafting wonderful scents all over as the wind passed by. She strode deeper into the garden taking large sprigs of herbs and placing then all in her basket. Emily finally stopped before her harvest was completed, looking at the massive orchid. It had regrown back into its former huge shape, it's two large purple and white petals were flapping in the wind kicking up pollen around it.

“It grew back. Wow. It's more resilient than I thought. Did it make the other plants and vegetables grow bigger? I guess that means it still works on us too.” Emily grinned devilishly.

Kneeling down beside it as she plucked a large petal off the flower and started to give it a sniff. Emily didn't smell much of anything at all, strangely enough, her body had adapted to the pollen, now immune to its fragrance. She adored the smell however, slowly motioning It closer to her lips before she couldn't resist having a taste. Her fluffy lips were coated in a sticky amber resin as she let her tongue slide across the large soft petal. She tasted it, sweet and bitter, floral and fruity, before opening her mouth wide and taking a big bite. She chewed quietly, swallowing it before stuffing the rest in her mouth and finishing it within seconds. She devoured the flower, finishing it with a loud gulp.

“Mmph. That's so good. I'm going to save this other half for later.” Emily smiled wider.

Standing back up to her tall towering size again and heading inside with a basket full of huge vegetables and herbs in tow. She stopped for a moment feeling a warmth wash over her, she blushed biting down on her luscious lower lip, feeling them swelling and gaining thickness. She suddenly rumbled all over her tall and dominating body before bouncing up another inch taller to six and a half feet tall. 

“Oh! I just grew again, it's working!” She giggled blushing harder before heading back inside. 

Emily ducked under the doorframe noticing her sudden shift in height had once again lowered the doorframe down even further. She stomped inside her bedroom, closing the door behind her, seeing the ceiling quite close to her head. 

“Wow…I can probably touch the ceiling now.” Emily giggled, slowly moving her arm up and tapping the ceiling before looking back down at her enormous breasts.

Her vision started to get blurry, feeling the same tingling warmth surrounding her body, starting to tremble and get wet. She suddenly bounced up again growing bigger another inch taller to a staggering 6 ‘7 seeing her perspective rise up to the height of the doorframe. She gasped looking down and seeing the door now several inches below her head, having to bend down to move through the house. She couldn't help, but giggle again, knowing it was just the beginning of her growth spurts. 

“I'm growing so fast…this is so much fun!” She thought, feeling her big nipples getting hard.

Emily had eaten half of the entire flower, coated in fresh sticky sap-like pollen. Her huge body was only growing more amazon-like in size, maturing into a powerful warrior goddess. She moaned, giving her thickness a squeeze, grabbing onto her massive breasts before feeling another surge of heat flowing throughout her body. She could hardly stand up straight feeling her vagina pulsating and aching for attention. A trickle of her hot wetness streamed down her tremendous thighs before suddenly bouncing up another inch taller to a terrifying 6 ‘8 tall. She noticed the room getting smaller again, nearly falling back onto her bed and giving into the sensation.

“Oh my god, I'm growing so much! This is insane!” Emily thought to herself feeling the rising urge to pleasure herself more and more.

She could hardly stand it any longer, trying to distract herself, she bent down and ducked under the doorframe, and stomped down the hallway into the kitchen. She ducked down again entering in with a huge basket full of oversized vegetables and fruits. Sarah's eyes widened watching her now titanic sized older sister bounce and stomp by her clearly having grown again. Emily placed the basket down as Sarah turned to greet her, immediately staring directly at her two massive naked  breasts on full display. Sarah's jaw dropped, slowly craning her head up to see her humongous sister towering over her now. 

“What the fuck…” Sarah cursed, trying not to panic.

“What's wrong, little sis’? Mmm…oh yeah…I love that feeling.” Emily moaned.

As her already giant body began to rumble again. Emily suddenly bounced up another inch taller, to a towering 6 ‘9 tall amazon warrior goddess, she looked down at her sister's head now measuring just under her chest, sitting seven inches shorter, over half a foot underneath her incredible height. She giggled, opening her two icy blue eyes looking down through the wide expanse of her cleavage seeing her sister's two wide brown eyes in shock and terror.

“You're HUGE! How are you growing this much?!” Sarah asked frantically.

“Well…if you're a good girl today, you'll grow big and powerful…if you are a bad girl, I’m going to take all your growth spurts instead.” Emily started to act with authority.

She felt incredibly powerful. She wanted to become the curvaceous goddess she always wanted to be, now dominating anyone or anything in her path. Sarah had no choice, but to comply, she sheepishly nodded her head without saying a word, too afraid to respond. 

“Good girl. Now cut up these vegetables.” Emily ordered.

Sarah nodded and got to work, taking out a humongous tomato the size of a cantaloupe and sliced it into bite sized pieces. She took several large peppers each the size of horse carrots, slicing them nicely for a salad. She cut lettuce the size of watermelons, herbs as long as scallion greens and several fruits each double their size. Grapes the size of lemons. Apples the size of coconuts and oranges the size of grapefruit, everything had grown bigger. In the meantime, Emily used her new towering height to her advantage. She reached over her now a whole seven inches taller, grabbing two big bowls and grabbing the rest of utensils and plates ready for their super sized salad for breakfast. Emily stomped into the dining room ducking below the archway and sitting down on the chair hearing it creak loudly barely able to support her new size and weight. 

“Well, dig in!” Emily exclaimed.

She took a massive mouthful, eating with much more enthusiasm than usual, and it also was about three times her normal portion size, shoveling an entire mixing bowl worth of salad just for herself. Sarah sighed looking down at her plate full of greens as she started to look over at her growing sister, voraciously consuming the shrinking pile of salad in her huge bowl. Her older sister wasn’t done growing, she was in fact fueling the growing return of her growth spurts with every big bite she took. 

“Mmm! Oh my god, it's so fresh and juicy, I love it!” Emily exclaimed.

Sarah started to get nervous watching her growing beside her, gaining height and gobbling down her triple sized portion, growing bigger and bigger. Emily didn’t seem to notice her growing body rising another inch taller to 6 ‘10 feet, hearing the chair straining underneath her growing ass as Emily packed on several dozens of pounds in weight. She moaned, stopping after looking down at her bowl now completely gone. She let out a satisfied sigh, looking down at Sarah slowly eating her food quietly beside her. She smiled suddenly letting out a cute moan as she rose another inch taller again to 6 ‘11 in another rapid growth spurt to just under seven feet tall. 

“You’re growing like a lot…you sure you want to be that big?” Sarah poked at her.

“Oh yeah! I love growing! I’m so glad you told me about the flowers. It bloomed again this morning.” Emily smiled.

“It did?! How are the petals? Did you try some?” Sarah started to get excited.

“Mhm. Ah…I ate half the damn flower this morning…mmm…I’m going to be growing for a while.” Emily grinned devilishly, feeling her body start to rumble again.

Emily rose again, still growing bigger and bigger. Outgrowing her seat as her humongous ass grew bigger and bigger slowly engulfing the cushion before the entire chair collapsed. A loud crash rang out in the silence, her huge bubble butt crushed the chair into pieces as her thighs and the rest of her body grew even larger, another inch taller growing up and over seven feet tall. She moaned loudly, clutching onto her humongous jiggling breasts spilling into her wide arms. 

“Emily!” Sarah shouted.

“Hahaha! I'm getting so big!” Emily giggled.

Her giant body jiggled like crazy standing up, immediately noticing her head now measuring up to the ceiling lamp above the dining room table. She looked down and smirked looking at the broken, snapped off legs of the dining room chair now destroyed in pieces on the floor. Her vision was obscured however, unable to see past her giant breasts now blocking her vantage point to the dining room table and her sister below. She started to rise taller still, growing up and up another inch upwards to 7’ 1 tall.

“Haha! Sorry, I'll have to get some bigger chairs.” Emily giggled.

“You're…massive.” Sarah gulped nervously.

The dark haired goddess continued to grow taller, feeling her entire body rumble before growing taller and more bountiful.

“Awhn…that felt good.” Emily smiled.

Emily was huge. She was an entire foot shorter than her older sister, who had grown to a tall 6 ‘2. Sarah looked forward seeing the top of her shoulders near the height of her head, turning her attention to her absolutely gigantic breasts practically at her eye level. Her older sister had grown to a powerful 7 ‘2 tall, her breasts easily L-cups in size, over twenty-five pounds each of pure softness and overwhelming bounciness. She laughed as her huge body jiggled, still growing taller as she rumbled with growth.

“You think so? I think you're short…like really short, your head barely reaches my big beautiful breasts little sis’.” Emily responded before rising up taller.

Emily's body continued to bloom. She grew another inch upwards to 7 ‘3 tall, letting out a long gentle moan before opening her big blue eyes and looking back down at her now even shorter sister. 

“I'm still growing…” Emily held back laughter.

“I can see that…” Sarah stepped back a little nervously.

She started to panic watching her older sister's giant breasts, huge body, and ludicrously luscious shape gaining even more size. Emily grew even taller, rising up another inch taller to 7 ‘4 billowing outwards as her massive chest grew even more bountiful and bubbly. She started to lose herself, letting out loud moans before finally giving into her carnal desires. Emily started to finger herself, latching onto one of her gigantic breasts and then the other hand began massaging her vagina.

“I have to take more of the orchid! She has to keep it in her room. I need to check while she's distracted.” Sarah thought to herself.

Before she started to run down the hallway, escaping her ever-growing sister. Who continued to moan and tremble before growing even larger. Emily's head rose taller toward the ceiling growing even more bubbly as she rose another inch to 7 ‘5 tall, now starting to outgrow most of the doorways in the house. She was already a whole head and shoulders taller than the doorframe nearby, wondering how she would be able to fit into the other rooms at her suddenly much larger height and size. 

“Oh god it feels SO good…I need more…” Emily demanded, thinking to herself trying to push her even further into more growth spurts.

Sarah burst open her sister's bedroom door, quickly looking inside for anything to give her evidence that she was telling the truth. Her eyes immediately focused on the nearby desk. The other half of the massive orchid petal, covered in sweet sticky super pollen was simply resting atop the wooden surface. Sarah didn't waste a second, her hands quickly snatched it up and she ate it as fast as she could, taking the first big bite. The notes were fruity, yet slightly nutty, but overall mostly fragrant and sweet and a little bitter. Her soft lips licked across the width and began to plump up bigger as she continued to devour the other half of the entire flower at once. Her mouth went to work chewing it down and swallowing with an audible gulp. She jumped suddenly hearing a loud booming sound coming from the hallway. 

“Sarah! Come back here and finish your dinner!” Emily commanded.

“Okay! I just needed to…freshen up.” Sarah shouted and then whispered to herself.

Her heart started to beat faster and faster as she swallowed the last bit of the orchid petals. Her vision started to blur, her mind started to get fuzzy. She felt a knot in her stomach as she suddenly felt a pulse shoot through her chest jiggling bigger. They grew suddenly, gaining more roundness and curvature. Sarah was already starting to get bigger, she looked toward the doorway watching it lower down, as she grew upward. She rose up another inch to a tall 6 ‘3 amazon, feeling the flower start to affect her mind even further. She tried her best to focus, moving toward the door. When suddenly the room began to sway struggling to walk. 

“Awhn…my lips are so soft…and my mouth is feeling so tingly…” Sarah kissed the air, moaning gently as she started to caress her growing breasts. 

She couldn't resist touching herself. Squeezing the massive breasts she had grown already was turning her on like crazy. She started to laugh nervously, feeling the slow increasing sensitivity around her swollen nipples and pulsating clitoris, feeling her throbbing and aching vagina nearly about to erupt. Her body only grew stronger. Sarah started to gain size rapidly growing another inch taller to 6 ‘4. Starting to get closer to matching Emily's previous height this morning. She could feel her pussy trickling down her hot wet passion down her thighs, knowing she was going to grow more and get even bigger. She let out a louder moan suddenly reaching her climax. She came hard. Rolling her eyes back and shaking her massive beautiful breasts and grabbing onto their incredible softness. Her ass grew wider and even more ludicrously luscious suddenly bumping into something behind its huge round size. Sarah struggled to stay standing, falling onto the dresser, barely able to keep her composure as she slammed it against the wall with her giant bubble butt.

“Fuck. I didn't mean to…whoa…” Sarah stood up to her full height and nearly came again.

Sarah was growing again. She was getting closer to the next half a foot mark rising up to 6 ‘5 tall, thinking to herself about how much she's going to grow, trying to calculate it. Her mind was still fuzzy though, she couldn't really concentrate on much. She quickly made her way back to the dining room, ducking under the bedroom door frame, and jiggling back down the hallway. 

“Emily? Oh god.” Sarah turned the corner only to meet her sister's tremendous breasts.

“Sarah! You should really finish your dinner, did you get taller?” Emily looked down at her, seeing her head now higher up than before.

“Maybe. You look taller too. Maybe we should measure each other.” Sarah responded coyly. 

“Okay. Just finish the rest. I don't want any of these vegetables to go to waste.” Emily commanded. 

Sarah rolled her eyes, stomping back down to the table. She started consuming her plate rapidly grabbing large forkfuls of the enlarged super vegetables. She ate it all up rather quickly as Emily wandered back into her bedroom. She scoffed looking at the little bit of golden dust leftover from Sarah devouring her half of the flower's petals. She smiled devilishly thinking to herself. 

“Well, I guess she was a good girl, so she can have her half. She is going to grow like crazy considering how big I've gotten after eating my half. That's okay though. There's no way she will get bigger than me. I'm already a foot taller than her, I can tell just by looking at her tiny little body underneath mine.” Emily thought to herself starting to get turned on.

Emily was feeling so powerful. She had never been so tall and dominating before, she couldn't believe she was already taller than the doorframes, bigger than her bed and even too large for her shower now. She had become a real Amazonian warrior goddess in size and stature. She could feel her bountiful bodice still stretching and gaining size, growing bigger and heavier. She felt a pulse shoot through her entire body, trembling for a moment before rising another inch taller to a staggering seven and a half feet tall. She bit down on her lower lip starting to quiver even more as her precious hot passion ran down her tremendous inner thighs. 


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