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Chapter 2 - Guilty Conscience

The night slowly passed into the morning greeted with the rising sun casting its bright light across the grassy fields and their quaint cottage atop the hill. The singing of birds was accompanied by the whistling of the wind still making the trees sway and the bushes shake with every passing gust. There was a lovely calm settling in across the hillside, a faint decadence of silence that kept the nearby forest in a still relaxing morning ambience.  The silence was broken quickly however. A loud scream sounded off coming from Sarah's room.

“I have tits! Oh my god!” She exclaimed.

Standing in front of her mirror by the window, playing with herself already. Massaging her hands over and over her new lovely breasts that had grown again overnight, now boasting beautiful D-cups. She could hardly believe it. Her tits were so big and heavy to her, she wasn't used to having such lovely breasts. She started to moan and blush, rubbing them more and more, getting carried away before suddenly hearing a sound outside her bedroom door.

“Sarah! Open this door. Now.” Emily commanded.

Sarah immediately felt defeated. Her anxiety rose to a boiling point within seconds. Her heart was racing, struggling to stay calm. She sighed moving toward the door, still a bit groggy and tired only to open it to another immediate shock. Emily stood there totally naked. She was completely naked, and she had grown overnight as well. She blushed looking down at her holding onto her now huge G-cup breasts, each nearly the size of a bowling ball, clutching them with both hands. She looked upset, her face riddled with resentment, and also embarrassment. Sarah's face turned bright red. She couldn't believe how much her older sister had grown. Her new big breasts had grown to her sister's old large size, but in comparison now she felt small and meaningless. Emily had grown two massive melon sized mammaries, and she didn't seem too thrilled about it.

“What the fuck, Sarah?” She pouted.

“What…?” Sarah acted oblivious.

“What do you mean? Are you blind? They're HUGE!” Emily shouted.

Moving her hands onto them, giving them a healthy squeeze before letting out a cute sound.

“Oh…yeah…mine grew bigger too.” Sarah said sheepishly.

“You grew so much too. Wow. Is all of this from that weird flower you planted?” Emily asked, trying to hide her obvious annoyed attitude.

“I don't know…” Sarah didn't want to answer.

“Ugh. Typical. Well,  I'm going to get rid of it.” Emily responded.

“No! Please don't do anything!” Sarah begged.

Emily got closer, pushing her new incredible breasts closer to her face. She looked down at her, seeing her big busty body even more pronounced and luscious now dwarfing her sister's assets even more. 

“Why? Do you want to grow even bigger? This is already ridiculous.” Emily wasn't pleased. 

You could tell she had gone through several bras before finding out her breasts had grown over three cup sizes larger overnight.

“I mean…I wouldn't mind…” Sarah confessed.

“Ugh! Seriously? You're insane.” Emily scoffed and shouted.

Crossing her arms under her now quite large G-cups each making a visible curvy line of cleavage in the middle of her chest. 

“Whatever! You're so tall and busty, you would never understand what it's like to be short and flat-chested.” Sarah fought back.

Emily responded with a scowl and then turned, rushing out of her room. 

“Where are you going?” Sarah looked worried.

She didn't respond. Sarah followed her. Trying to stop her from whatever she was about to do. Emily rushed outside the back door, into the garden, with a shovel in hand. Sarah refused to let her continue on her warpath, rushing in front of her, trying to stop her. It was no use. She was no match for her older sister's size.

“Stop! Don't–” Sarah was interrupted.

“Get out of my way!” Emily shoved her aside.

Sarah tumbled to the ground, falling into the flower bed beside the orchid and its single thick root that had grown tremendously since she first planted it. Emily dug her shovel into the soil, trying to damage its roots with a hefty push, feeling a satisfying crunch as the metal head broke it apart. 

“Emily!” Sarah shouted.

Emily didn't stop there, thrusting the shovel deeper into the soil, trying to pry it loose from the packed dirt. It felt like it had been growing for years, the roots were thick as she started to struggle, breaking a good portion of its roots before suddenly sneezing. It broke the chaos. Emily stopped in her tracks, starting to feel dizzy as the orchid’s pollen began to affect her again, and not just her, but Sarah too. 

“Oh…fuck…” Emily cursed.

“I told you…to stop…” Sarah’s words trailed off.

As the two of them slowly began to calm down, feeling euphoric. This whole time they had been arguing, the pollen had been thick in the air, gusts of wind repeatedly blowing more organic dust around them. The plant began to slump down, unable to stand up tall with its branches nearly destroyed beneath its large size which was about the diameter of a dinner plate. The orchid was rather big for a flower of its kind, easily triple the size of another of its species. 

“What have you done?” Sarah was defeated.

“Just…clean up this mess. I'm going to take a shower and get ready for work.” Emily ordered.

Sarah dusted herself off, picking herself up from the wet garden patch now covered in morning dew and dirt. She wanted to cry. Looking up at her bountiful sister's breasts towering above her. Emily couldn't bear to look at her younger sister, simply staring at the destroyed garden for a brief moment before storming off back inside. The back door slammed shut, ringing off into the distance loudly. 

“I can't believe she did this.” Sarah cried.

Belting out tears streaming down her face. She was crushed. The orchid was rather limp, and a bit bruised around the petals. It laid there nearly lifeless, its roots in a messy destroyed tangle of dirt and metallic slashes through its plant fibers. She slowly stroked the petals, feeling her fingers get coated in a slight residue. She couldn't help herself. Motioning her fingertips toward her mouth. Her lips tasted it. It was sweet. Floral and fruity. The wet pollen was addicting. She went in for more, getting another taste, then suddenly retching as she also tasted dirt. 

“I can…bring it inside…and wash it off.” She thought. 

She hastily removed its two large petals, plucking off the bud leaving only one large root to remain. Her hands dug into the soil, trying her best to fix whatever her older sister had created, carefully packing the soil back. She looked back after standing up, seeing the purplish green root sticking out of the soil with hope. Sarah went inside, using the front door again, to avoid Emily. She headed into the kitchen, running the water from the sink over each of the large petals carefully making sure not to damage them any further. She took her time, even though she could hear the shower water running in the bathroom down the hallway.

“I want to use these…come on…there has to be something…” Her eyes wandered as she thought to herself. 

In the shower, the water was getting hot. Emily was standing in front of the mirror, staring at her new huge breasts. Her face was set in a pout. Pursing her fluffy lips and looking annoyed. She reached down and gave them a healthy squeeze, trying not to let out a sound as she blushed hard, reacting to the incredible sensitivity. Her nipple immediately got hard, Looking down at it, she tilted her head, moving to the other breast and doing the same. She yelped slightly, feeling the same intense sensitivity race across her soft pale skin. Emily couldn't accept it. She actually thought she looked better, sexier, and more attractive. 

“They're…so soft…and so heavy. I've never even seen tits this big before…they feel huge to me.” She whispered.

Starting to massage them again, feeling their incredible weight holding her hands down, moving them around, shaking them slightly watching them jiggle around. The creeping feeling began to take over again, starting to feel it make her vagina ache and throb for attention. She bit down on her lower lip, holding them up and then squeezing them tightly letting out another moan. She caught herself, stopping another louder moan to escape her pretty lips. 

“If they get any bigger, I won't be able to do anything besides play with them all day…I'm going to be late for work if I don't get ready.” Her mind wandered.

In the kitchen, Sarah was moving around, pacing back and forth staring at the large purple petals sitting in the sink. Her mind raced trying to think of something to use it for, when suddenly it dawned on her. Tea. She could brew tea and let the flower petals steep in the hot water for as long as she wanted. She quickly got to work, getting out the electric kettle, filling it up, looking at the dirty pollen covered leaves with disappointment. 

“I wish I could add the pollen too…it's so sweet and delicious…but it's covered in dirt.” She said,

Starting to carefully wash the petals, making sure not to damage it further. She got to work, carefully placing in a small handful of torn bits of the flower, muddling it with the back of a spoon to release some of its potency into the hot water. She took the rest of the remaining petals, drying them with a paper towel and placing them onto a container. She smiled. Letting the lovely floral scent waft about the kitchen looking down at her fresh tea now infused with the mysterious flower. 

“Perfect.” She smiled before taking a sip.

The flavor was unique. It was highly floral and fragrant, almost like rose petals. It was also sweet and slightly fruity with a bitter aftertaste. She didn't seem to mind the flavor at all, going back for another sip before cleaning up everything in the kitchen, making sure not to disrupt her sister's morning routine. She turned to the hallway, walking back to her bedroom when she heard the shower water running in the bathroom as she walked by, taking another sip with a smile on her face. She sat down at her desk, taking longer and more enthusiastic sips of the hot tea, feeling her lips and cheeks get hotter and warm. 

“Mmm…it's so good. I love it!” She exclaimed.

Taking more and more as her cup quickly drained past her lips and into her mouth. Before she knew it her cup was empty and the potent flowery mixture was consumed leaving her to only desire more. She couldn't help, but open the container of dried petals, taking a deep breath, feeling her body start to get hot and start to tingle all over. She could feel her face getting hotter, strangely enough it didn't seem to bother her, motioning her hands toward her chest as the warm sensation only grew stronger.

“Ooh…I feel so good. All warm and tingly.” She giggled.

Sarah leaned back in her chair, feeling the warm sensations move through her body. It started around her slender neck and substantially larger chest, boasting her two lovely D-cup breasts with her nipples each getting hard. Her breathing became heavy, watching her breasts rise up and down with every passing moment. She took in a deep breath, blushing a crimson red, feeling her entire body begin to stretch. The feeling was weird at first, but it was oddly soothing. She could feel her legs getting stronger, filling up as her thighs gained size and width. 

“Oh yeah…that's it…make me grow. Make me bigger.” She smiled.

Cheering herself on, she placed the empty cup down and started to massage her beautiful breasts. She quickly got turned on. Starting to moan, touching herself and squeezing her nipples in response. The feeling grew more intense as her desire to pleasure herself was rising more and more. Her fingers treaded down her thighs, clutching them for a moment before they started to swell bigger and thicker. She bit down on her lower lip, hardly able to control herself, spreading apart her legs. 

“I guess a little fun wouldn't hurt.” She grinned devilishly.

Her panties were already soaked, leaving a trail of her wetness dripping onto the office chair seat. Her hand plunged into her wet panties. Fingering herself without a care in the world. She lifted her dripping fingers up to her lips, sucking on them to get a taste, before motioning them between the lips of her aching vagina. Her eyes rolled back, feeling the intense sensitivity of her pussy drive her wild. She couldn't help herself. Taking two fingers and thrusting them inside of herself, over and over. Still clutching onto her right breast feeling herself about to reach a climax.

“Already? Oh my god…” She thought.

Unable to muster enough focus to speak aloud, hearing the constant sound of her fingers penetrating her wet vagina oozing out her hot wetness all over the seat underneath her soft tight ass. Her hand felt strange suddenly, feeling it swelling up with more of her breast as it began to grow. Her chest rose, gaining size quickly, bubbling up bigger and bigger. She couldn't believe it. Her breasts grew over her hand, overflowing it as she let it go for a moment feeling it jiggle and settle back on her chest. They grew bigger and bigger. Filling up larger and softer, growing heavier and heavier. Until they had reached an entire cup size larger, growing into full DD-cups. Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped, and then she started to orgasm. She came hard and fast, squirting all over the office chair seat, shaking and quivering as she moaned loudly, knowing her sister wouldn't hear her with the shower running. 

“Yes…oh…fuck!” She shouted.

Shaking and trembling in her seat, feeling the intensity of her body, her pulsating pussy, and her growing breasts all at once. She was in a state of complete ecstasy. It didn't stop there. Her body began to rumble again before suddenly growing bigger. She started to gain size and height, adding to her once small frame, gaining womanly curves. Her ass grew wider, gaining roundness and shape, slowly making her rise higher up in her seat. Not just that, also gaining an inch in height, growing taller. She finally erupted with another orgasm, unable to control herself. Letting out another emaciated moan, drooling down the side of her mouth, rolling her eyes back, unable to resist the potent flowery mixture she had drunk down just a few moments ago. She finally came back to reality, slowly reeling from the intense experience of a back to back growth induced orgasm. Laying there nearly lifeless for the moment, feeling her wet pussy still oozing out her hot passion.

“Whoa…that was…wow.” Sarah was speechless.

Under the shower head, Emily sighed, feeling her own vagina nagging to be touched. She resisted the urge, knowing that it would make her late for work. A moment she would soon regret. She quickly squeezed out a glob of shampoo onto her hands, carefully massaging her hair with it. Her hair was longer. She could tell. It was fuller and much more bountiful, ringing out the shampoo with more effort. She held her head up, pulling her hair behind her letting it flow down her back before reaching for the body soap. She lathered herself up. Slowly moving past her shoulders and down toward her enormous breasts, sliding past her nipples letting out a soft moan. They were really big. Barely able to resist moving her hands all over them. Massaging in the body wash, feeling the width and weight of their massive size turned her on like crazy. They were so big and soft, she just wanted to stay under the hot water all day and play with them. She let out another moan, feeling the warm water trickling down between her thick thighs, passing over her aching vagina. 

“No…I can't…I really shouldn't.” She thought.

Trying to stop herself from indulging in her most carnal desires was impossible. She tried her best, slowly letting the hot water pour over it. Feeling the intense sensitivity to the rushing water immediately sent a shiver down her backside. Trembling with pleasure, she held the shower head closer, pushing it up against her throbbing, soaking wet vagina. She quickly got lost in the sensation, feeling her pussy filling up and then rubbing against it. Her eyes rolled back, shaking with pleasure, unable to stop herself. Her breasts began to swell up again, growing bigger and fuller, weighing her down even more, feeling her nipples rock hard and sweltering with sensitivity. She could feel herself already getting close, suddenly letting out a moan echoing in the bathroom. She came hard. Dripping droplets of her hot wetness into the rushing water, washed away in an instant as her thick thighs quaked, jiggling around it, her legs spread wide. She was panting and sweating, still feeling her pussy erupting her hot passion before finally falling backward onto the tiled wall behind her bodacious booty. Her bubble butt collided with the tiles, feeling the slightly less warm wall up against her ass. 

“Damn it. I'm going to be late.” She was annoyed.

Leaning down to turn off the shower, she let out a long sigh, feeling the soreness of her vagina now temporarily relieved. She had chased off the intense aphrodisiac effect of the mysterious flower, for now. She stepped out of the shower, feeling a lofty bounce on her chest, nearly falling forward. She gasped, noticing her breasts had grown again. They had grown another cup size larger into two bountiful GG-cup breasts hung heavily on her front half, now struggling to hold them up without using her hands.

“Again?! Ugh! They just won’t stop growing. God…they’re so heavy.” She scoffed.

Letting out a long exhausted sigh, drying herself off and starting her day, wrapping her ever-growing massive breasts under a fresh towel before starting the rest of her routine. Meanwhile her sister was still recovering from her own growing experience.

“I can't even move.” Sarah thought.

She looked down at the mess she had made. Her wet vagina still recovering from her last orgasm, sitting in a small puddle of her own wetness. 

“And…still…why do I want more?” She asked herself. 

Slowly straightening herself out, sitting up in her chair and letting out a long sigh. She stood up at her new height of 5’3, now boasting a pair of much larger DD-cup breasts. She smiled and looked around her room for a towel. She cleaned up. Toweling off her still sensitive vagina, letting out a cute moan, touching herself for a few brief moments began to set her off again. She resisted the urge, cleaning up the rest, and wiping off her chair before she pulled off her panties, leaving a visible trail of her wetness. She sighed, hearing the sound of the shower finally halt, knowing her sister had just finished up. She started to get nervous, looking down at her breasts, now even larger than before, worried she would find her new method of growth out for herself. She shook her head trying to reassure herself. 

“She doesn't know about the tea. She doesn't have to know. All I know…is I need to make more…way more.” She looked determined.

Chapter 3 - Resisting Change

Emily stood in front of her mirror. Staring at her new incredible busty and curvaceous body. She was annoyed however. Staring at her enormous tits, they were massive, she could barely fit into her waitress uniform. Her two huge GG-cup tits were making a long luscious line of cleavage from the bottom of her neck several inches down by her belly. Mostly covering the majority of her wide chest. She couldn't help, but feel embarrassed that she was about to arrive at work, looking like a dressed up stripper. She huffed and puffed looking back at her bedroom door with disdain, knowing Sarah was just laying about in her room, probably not doing much of anything at all. She pouted, turning to her door and opening it, making her way toward Sarah's room with vindication. Her big tits bounced up and down, struggling to keep them in her shirt, feeling how much they were now weighing her top half down and started to make her upset. She ignored the motion, knocking on her door with some force.

“Sarah! I'm heading out to work, make sure to fill out some job applications today, please!” She exclaimed, raising her voice a bit to instill authority.

Sarah's heart jumped, looking at the door and then back down at her messy towel, tossing it aside before responding.

“Okay! Have a good day sis’.” She said, trying to seem enthusiastic.

“Okay. Bye!” Emily chimed back half-heartedly.

Emily turned back down the hallway, blushing as she watched her big, bouncy breasts jiggle and move with every step she took. She slowly started to resent her huge breasts, unable to do anything about them, she dreaded them getting any bigger. She quickly made her way out the front door, locking it shut as she made her way to her black sedan shining under the morning sun.

“Finally. Some peace and quiet.” Sarah was relieved.

She let out a long sigh, slowly making her way to her bedroom door, suddenly feeling that something was slightly off. The doorknob was just ever so slightly lower. 

“Huh. That's weird.” She thought.

Motioning her hand down a little bit lower to latch onto it, before opening it and heading toward the bathroom. She felt the heat from the moisture in the air, entering the bathroom after Emily had just taken a shower. She approached the mirror, wiping her hand across it to reveal her cute face. Her eyes immediately were drawn to the rest of her newly grown body, mesmerized by the size of her growing breasts and much more shapely size. Her hands cupped her new breasts, feeling how heavy and soft they had become. They were big and bouncy. Playing with them was so fun, she massaged them, pinched her nipples, letting out a cute moan before looking down at her now much wider hips. 

“No more itty bitty titties! It feels incredible to finally have a nice big pair of tits. And just look at my ass! It looks amazing!” She exclaimed.

Turning herself around and sticking out her nicely shaped round booty and giving it a healthy squeeze. She was enamored with herself. Touching, squeezing, massaging, and playing with every inch of her newly grown assets. It wasn't long until she found herself moving her hands down to her aching vagina, feeling how wet it had already become. She bit down on her lower lip feeling a trickle of her wetness dripping down her thighs. She looked back toward the shower and smiled, and slid the curtain aside, stepping inside. The hot water poured onto her long golden brown hair, soaking it until it was sticking to her soft skin. 

“This is so nice, especially after everything that happened yesterday.” She thought.

Bending down, pushing on the little nozzle on the body wash container, squeezing out a few gooey globs of soap onto her hand. She lathered herself up, taking care to massage around her now full and soft breasts. Her nipples immediately got hard, letting out a relaxed moan, as she continued to spread the body wash all over her newly grown curves. Her hands made their way across the width of Her bigger ass, making sure to rub the wide surface of each of her butt cheeks, slowly feeling the familiar warmth from before return. It flowed through her, sending shivers down her spine. The mysterious flower was working its magic again. 

“I feel it again. I'm growing…” She thought to herself.

Her legs started to stretch growing longer and thicker, her thighs and ass began expanding to match, gaining roundness and curvature. It grew into a lovely heart shape, her wet vagina was now perfectly surrounded by her beautiful ass. She moaned, reaching down to get two large handfuls and nearly came. The sensation only grew stronger as she reached up to her breasts gaining weight growing fuller and heavier. They filled up into large soft luscious melons, jiggling in her hands. They expanded and grew, feeling the intense sensitivity of her nipples getting unbearable. Her entire body began to tremble and shake, for just a moment as she rose another inch taller. She clutched onto them, feeling their heavy size and volume, her fingertips sinking into their incredible softness.

“They're getting BIGGER!” She shouted

Hearing her voice ring out in the silence made her even more excited. She couldn't believe what was happening. She quickly shut off the shower, pulling aside the curtain to rush toward the foggy mirror. She was beautiful. Her body had now grown a natural hourglass figure, boasting a wide luscious booty and two large DDD-cup breasts. She now stood at 5’4 feet tall, with a large bountiful booty that couldn't fit most of her pants or shorts anymore. Sarah was in shock. She could hardly breathe, her innermost desires were finally coming true as if she was dreaming. She quickly wrapped the towel around her chest, turning toward the door before making her way into the kitchen.

“It's tea time.” She smiled devilishly.

Opening the container and turning on the kettle with haste. She looked down at the petals now a bit drier and easier to break up into pieces. 

“I'm going to make it even better this time.” She said confidently.

Her delicate fingers tore up twice as much of the flower this time, stuffing it all at the bottom of her cup, this time however she poured in a little bit of hot water at first. To really get in with her spoon to make sure it was properly infused. She smiled looking down at the tea. This time it was slightly purple in color, with a hint of redness. She couldn't wait to taste it. She sat down by the window in the kitchen, calmly looking outside at the lovely trees and spring flowers. She took her first sip and laughed. 

“Oh my god. It's delicious.” She giggled.

She drank some more, staring out the window feeling a gentle calm wash over her voluptuous curves. Her mind wandered thinking about how much had already happened in the past few days, recollecting each moment. 

“Emily must hate me.” She thought nervously.

Recalling vividly how upset she had gotten after she grew bigger tits. She bit her lip wondering to herself if she would grow as big as her one day, before taking another long sip of the potent brew. She blushed looking down at her cup, seeing about half of it remaining. She could feel it already. Her skin started to feel flush, getting warmer. She heard a noise outside, a car door closing. Her eyes darted looking toward the driveway. 

“It's not Emily.” She said feeling relieved.

It was her neighbor, a man who lived next door. He had always lived by himself, had a good job, took care of his dog and house well. It had never occurred to Sarah just how handsome he was, wondering why he was single and alone all these years. Her mind wandered, taking another drink out of her mug, starting to lick her lips feeling the sensation creeping into every sensitive region on her sultry body. Her fingers treaded delicately across the surface of her breasts, moving them slowly across the curvy bounds of her tantalizing cleavage. She could feel her two soft pink nipples already getting hard as her lips pressed up against her cup, drinking down more of the tea. Her throat bulged, gulping down more as she finished the rest of her cup off letting out a satisfied moan. 

“Oh I finished it already. Damn. I wanted more. Maybe…I'll make another cup before bed tonight.” She grinned.

Slowly moving her hands down to her big bountiful breasts, starting to squeeze and fondle them. She was getting quickly turned on watching the man walk up to his front door, still unaware of being watched. Sarah stared at him, still groping her huge breasts, when suddenly he began to turn toward her, noticing something in the distance. She turned bright red in both cheeks, immediately dropping her hands down to the table, locking eyes with him. The man was tall, blue eyed, and had a rough brown beard and neatly shaven head. He turned to her and waved with a wide wholesome smile. Sarah's heart melted, feeling her heart beating out her chest, slowly lifting her hand waving back lightly with her fingers. 

“He's so fucking cute.” She thought. 

Seeing him turn back to his front door, taking out his keys, and entering inside. Sarah's heart was beating out of her chest, barely able to concentrate as the sensation grew stronger and stronger. She started to pant heavily, feeling the tips of her nipples rubbing against the tightly wrapped towel. Every breath she took became more labored when suddenly she felt a sudden pulse shoot through her entire chest. Her breasts expanded, growing larger into massive melons, twisting apart the towel wrapping and sending it down onto the table and on her lap. Her breasts bounced out onto her chest jiggling around before settling.

“Oh! They're growing again!” She exclaimed.

Grabbing onto them, holding them tightly, feeling her hands overflowing with huge soft, luscious breasts. Sarah had grown another cup size larger into magnificent G-cups. They were enormous, each the size of a lovely honeydew melon. She was quickly enamored with their sheer size and weight, each easily over fifteen pounds of jiggly softness. Another wave of growth began to rumble within her once more, feeling her large round ass growing wider and even more shapely. It grew and grew and expanded becoming a beautiful bouncy bubble butt overflowing the wooden chair beneath it. 

“Ah! Yes….my whole body feels like it's getting bigger…I just want to grow more and more…I would love to be bigger than her…” She thought.

Starting to get turned on at the thought of getting bigger than Emily. Outgrowing her tall busty body, rising up a foot taller above her, growing into a seven foot tall amazon goddess and looking down at her. Sarah's fantasies started to run wild. She could feel her entire body lighting up like wildfire racing through her curved and bountiful assets, sending her mind into a sexual frenzy. She panted like she was in heat, quickly getting up from the table only to fall onto the kitchen floor. She stumbled, falling onto her two huge tits, colliding against the cold tiled floor. 

“Agh! God! They're so heavy!” She said, trying to pick herself up.

She pushed herself up, slumping backward, leaning against the kitchen table leg, struggling to get up. Her eyes widened immediately, dilating as the sensation grew more intense. Her eyes rolled back, clutching onto her two huge breasts as they began to grow again, bigger and bigger as they filled up her hands up to her wrists. She couldn't even focus, let alone stand back up, feeling the intensity of her twice as strong tea kicking in at double the strength. 

“Awn…yeah…that's it…grow…” She mumbled.

Starting to drool down her luscious lips that had begun swelling larger and more bountiful. She kissed the air, tasting the tea on her lips as they grew thicker, licking them across their width before biting down trembling with pleasure. She continued to expand outward growing bigger and taller with every moment that passed by, the feeling flowed throughout her curves giving her more height and size. She began to grow taller, another inch bigger and stronger, and then another in quick succession as she quickly ascended upward in size to 5’6 feet tall. Now just an inch shorter than Emily's tall and busty body. 

“Oh fuck…I just grew again, I felt it like…all over me…awhn!” She moaned loudly.

Struggling to think clearly. Feeling the weight of her breasts in her hands expanding still as they grew just as large as her sisters enormous breasts, into huge GG-cups, nearly matching her in all aspects of her size and weight. She squeezed them, jiggled them around, clutching and fondling their huge bouncy and soft size. So supple and juicy, yet still so perky. 

“They're so big and beautiful…” Her words trailed off, staring at their massive size.

They were perfectly shaped, and beautifully large, getting her fingers lost inside of them. Her other hand let one go, feeling it slap against her wide chest, that had grown even more pronounced in her last growth spurt. Her body was similar to Emily's now. She was curvy, with a wide waist, a juicy bubble butt, and tall thick legs. Her upper half was even more bountiful, now boasting the same sized massive melons that her older sister now struggled to contain. 

“Awhn…ugh…I need to get up.” She whispered to herself.

Slowly picking herself up off the tiled kitchen floor. Motioning to grab her towel and head back down the hallway. She stumbled into her bedroom, tossing the towel aside, slamming the door shut and locking it behind her. She fell into her bed, feeling suddenly a bit smaller, noticing her feet closer to the end of her blanket. She started to get extremely horny. Her throbbing clit and aching wet pussy had been dripping for some time now, begging to be touched and played with, resisting every urge to give in and masturbate furiously. She didn't want to go again. She was fighting it. She wanted to be in control.

“No…I won't…I need to be able to grow without touching myself. I need to get used to it.” She whined.

Pouting her now massive fluffy lips, breathing hard and becoming increasingly sensitive as her wet vagina ached for attention. She started to whine out loud, begging to touch herself, licking her lips and slowly opening her legs and humping the air. She clutched the mattress, hanging on tightly as she started to feel dizzy. It started again. The intensity rose, gripping the bed sheets even tighter as her vagina felt like it was on fire, her throbbing clitoris was swollen like a bright red cherry. She kept resisting, refusing to give into the temptation looking down at her two massive breasts jiggling around with every jerking movement of her sweat covered body. 

“My pussy is…so…wet…fuck.” She shivered.

Feeling her entire body shaking and trembling, oozing from her aching wetness. And then all of a sudden, she began to reach a climax. A contactless orgasm. Her first of its kind. Her thighs jiggled, trembling with pleasure. Her eyes rolled back as her tongue rested on her luscious lips, as she let out a long and loud moan. 

“I'm gonna cum!” She screamed.

She came all over herself, staining her sheets, and thighs. Falling back into her bed feeling totally drained and exhausted. Her bubbly body shook slightly a few more times in an aftershock, finally settling down as she slowed her fast breathing and slowly drifted off into a deep slumber.

“Stupid fucking seat belt.” Emily cursed.

Driving down the street had become a monumental task for Emily now. The seat belt was sliding between her massive overwhelming breasts, constantly adjusting herself and starting to get annoyed. She raced down the road driving well over the speed limit, knowing she was already at least going to be a few minutes late to her morning shift. She stopped abruptly at each stop sign, rushing by traffic and quickly racing into the parking lot outside the diner. She quickly unmatched the seat belt and breathed in deep, letting out a long sigh. 

“Finally I can fucking breathe.” She scoffed.

Looking down at the top of her uniform quickly realizing half of her titanic titties were practically spilling out of it.

“Fuck! Okay. There we go.” She cursed and then adjusted herself.

Trying to calm herself down as she started to walk toward the entrance of the building quickly stopping realizing her tits had fallen out of uniform again.

“Oh my god. What am I going to do?” She looked toward the building.

She scanned the area, looking inside at the few customers seeing it wasn't very busy today. 

“I'll just go buy a new bra. I'll tell him it's just a woman thing, he'll understand.” She thought.

Turning back toward her car, opening it and sitting back inside feeling guilty. She shook her head, trying to focus, turning the key into the ignition driving out of the parking lot. She looked down at her seat belt, this time unbuckled by her side feeling another pang of anxiety hit her, she ignored it, making her way to the local thrift mall, looking for a specific store. She could hardly remember it's name, but she knew what the sign looked like outside. She pulled up after some tense driving down the freeway into another much smaller parking lot. She let out a long sigh, parking and taking her keys, looking out in her rear view mirror scanning the area.

“Hmph. Doesn't look busy today.” She pouted. 

Stepping outside and making her way up toward the building, this time with much more grace and much slower, as to keep her massive breasts from spilling out. She jiggled toward the double doors, letting herself in as a couple passed her by immediately looking at her, seeing her two huge tits tucked into her tight braless top. Emily rolled her eyes, looking back at his partner, seeing the venomous glare she shot back at him as they started to have a fight, making their way angrily back to their car. Emily laughed to herself, giggling and jiggling in response.

“Wow. I can't believe that just happened.” She smiled.

Walking into the store with confidence and more than just one bounce in her step. She jiggled forward looking over at the average five-and-a-half foot tall blonde-haired woman behind the cash register. She smiled and then spoke up. 

“Hi, welcome. How can I help you today?” The blonde employee looked happy. 

Emily blushed looking down at her huge breasts, and sighed. 

“I need several new bras, I'm not sure how big I've gotten, but they feel way bigger than anything I've seen…or felt before…” Emily's eyes trailed off looking at other things in the store.

“Oh…well okay then, let me get some measurements.” The employee smiled back, acting professional.

A few moments later they stood together in the back rooms of the store, a private area surrounded by clothing on racks. Emily stood with her humongous breasts on full display as she lifted her arm up so she could wrap the measuring tape around their incredible width and round bust.

“Hmm…ten inches. That's a double G-cup.” She nodded. 

“Oh god! They're THAT big? Christ. What am I going to do.” Emily blushed and started to panic.

“Not a problem at all, just give me a moment, you can wear this for now.” She handed her a loose white blouse. 

“Oh. Thanks…” Emily blushed again.

Trying to maintain her composure as the employee went to work looking through a vast array of plus size clothing, huge sized bras and larger wider panties. She took her time selecting only the best from what she knew. Emily thought to herself, about everything that had happened. Wondering about Sarah and if she was okay after their fight. Emily couldn't bear to feel the guilt of resisting the changes that had been happening to them both because of some mysterious flower that just happened to start growing in their garden. 

“She had better be taking care of things at home. I hope she actually does something instead of sitting around moping. That doesn't help anyone.” She wrapped her mind around her constricted thoughts.

Starting to make herself upset when suddenly the door opened and the blonde-haired woman returned with a slew of clothing slung on one arm. Another carrying a few very large bra sizes. She smiled, placing some on a nearby table and handing one to Emily.

“Okay. Go ahead and try some of these. Our store only carries up to a G-cup actually, so as long as you don't suddenly start growing bigger, these should fit you.” She smiled coyly. 

“Haha…right…thanks.” Emily responded, starting to feel nervous, looking down at the bra cupping her two large breasts.

“Hmm…let's see here.” She walked behind Emily, clasping together the bra straps with a satisfied snap.

“Oh! Hey it fits. Just a little tight.” She said with a smile filled with hope.

“Okay! No worries, try this one then.” She unlatched her bra with a simple pinch and handed her another.

This one fit perfectly. Emily was impressed. Feeling good about the way she looked. The employee seemed thrilled, looking back at her with a big smile. 

“Looks good.” She said,

“It's great! Thank you.” Emily sighed with relief.

“Excellent! Go ahead and try on whatever you’d like, your clothes seem a bit tight on you, you’re welcome to try anything on.” She explained with enthusiasm.

Emily started browsing, feeling her huge melon-sized mammaries finally relatively contained in her big new bra, bouncing slightly with every step. She found a summer dress, slipping it over her shoulders and trying it on. Her jaw dropped. She looked incredible. Her long line of cleavage was making her chest pop, the rest of her hourglass figure only complemented its design. She tried on a pair of black panties, stretching it up and over her bubble booty, feeling it tightly grip against her two big round ass cheeks. She lifted it up and over them, squeezing into it, even at her nearly double-extra-large size, they were still a bit too small. She loved how it looked however, grabbing a big handful and then letting out a satisfied squeal.

“My ass looks practically edible. Christ, I’m so thick and juicy now, my ass feels enormous. I could suffocate someone with it, that would be hot.” She thought to herself.

Starting to get turned on, she quickly began to take off the pair of panties, making sure as to not get them wet. She pulled them off, struggling a bit, as a trail of her wetness clung to the fabric, letting out an annoyed sigh. 

“Well…so much for that.” She blushed, tossing them into the pile of clothing beside her. She let out another long sigh, relieved that she had gone to get herself a new bra, not realizing she would end up on a shopping spree. Emily finally approached the counter, with an array of clothes. A couple of summer dresses, two blouses, one black, the other deep blue. Four new 44GG-cup bras, and four pairs of black panties, the same color as her over-sized bras. Two pairs of leggings, both triple extra-large sized, for her humongous bubbly butt, and long and thick legs. She dropped the pile of clothes onto the service desk, looking back over at the blonde-haired employee with a slight smile. 

“So you found some stuff? Great! Let me ring you up here, are you paying with a card?” She asked politely.

“Yeah…probably should.” Emily fiddled with her pants, struggling to take out her wallet from her pants pocket. 

“You should probably get a purse for that, I have a few here if you'd like to–” She was cut off.

“No, that’s fine. Thank you.” Emily said assertively.

“Oh. Okay. Your total is $369.95.” The employee stated.

Emily’s face dropped into a bit of nervousness for a moment, as she retrieved her credit card, handing it over to the woman.

“Thank you! Have a wonderful day.” She smiled, taking her clothes and underwear and putting it away in two lovely blue-shaded bags.

“That’s going to take a paycheck for sure. It was worth it though, finally I can walk without my tits bouncing all over the place.” Emily sighed. 

Making her way back into her car and looking at her phone at the three missed calls.

“Shit. It’s probably Mike.” She thought, knowing her boss was probably wondering if she was okay, and why she had not come to work. She quickly picked up her phone, dialing the number as she motioned her fingertips across her new cleavage smiling to herself. 

“Emily? Hey are you coming in today?” Mike responded,

Holding the phone close to his ear, while typing on his keyboard inside his office.

“I don’t think so…my…well…if you really need an answer, it’s a woman’s problem day for me, I haven’t been able to get out of bed. Sorry. I should’ve called...” She lied, sounding off a cute candor to act upset.

“Oh! No worries, kid. Just get better. Take tomorrow off too, you deserve some time off, you’ve been working like a dog.” He explained, signing off on some paperwork.

“No! I mean…I need the money, Mike.” She begged.

“Okay, okay. Just don’t be late tomorrow, okay?” Mike smiled, responding back with a lower, more assertive tone.

“Okay! Promise, I’ll be there tomorrow morning at 7.” Emily confirmed with him.

“See you then, honey.” Mike hung up before she could respond.

“Ugh. He always calls me that. Tomorrow is going to be a nightmare, he’s going to be staring at my big new boobs all day.” Emily blushed.

Looking back toward the highway, she finally buckled her seat belt, feeling it nicely folding over her bountiful bust, now securely contained in her big bra.


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