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Hello lovely Patrons, thanks for joining us again from the chilly set of Survival Logic! Didn't our art team absolutely knock this one out of the park? And the costumes! We've been taking so many pictures, saving some for reveals when the episodes release of course, out of pure excitement. We can't wait for you guys to see this new season! Also BATD merch is back, in a new all-black colorway, if you missed out the first time VLDL.shop, as always ;) I don't think anything else major happened this week, or this Monday come to think of it...see you next week!



Love makes people persevere. Money makes things work. 😁

Melissa MacPherson

You assume we all are on Instagram. Lol The set looks great!


I'll admit. I low key want Brynley to get into the ladies campaign for a session. Can't wait for season 2 of survival logic!

Dr. J

Set? I could have sworn that was one of my neighbor's back yards in Texas. ;)

Sylvie Gendron

Adam you are such a tease! "Should we talk about Alan..."